
Nomad job diff formatter in Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CircleCI PyPI Version Supported Python Versions Requirements Status Code Coverage Is Wheel

A one to one Python re-write of the Job diff formatter from Nomad's source. Use this if you communicate with Nomad over HTTP API and want to output the diff in the same format like the Nomad CLI & UI does.


$ pip install nomad-diff


>>> import nomad_diff
>>> data = .. # Nomad's job diff
>>> print(nomad_diff.format(data, colors=True, verbose=False))
+/- Job: "example"
+/- Task Group: "cache" (2 destroy, 1 in-place update)
  +/- Count: "3" => "1" (forces destroy)
      Task: "redis"