
My Neovim configuration

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Strika's Neovim configuration


Prerequisites: git, ack.

  1. Move your existing configuration somewhere else: mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim_backup
  2. Clone this repo into ".config/nvim": git clone https://github.com/strika/neovimfiles ~/.config/nvim
  3. Go into ".config/nvim" and run "install": cd ~/.config/nvim && ./install

This will create temp and backup directories and install plugins. If plugin installation fails for any reason, open Neovim and run :PlugInstall.


  • 2 spaces, no tabs
  • 'Leader' character mapped to " " (space)
  • <CR> - remove highlighting after search
  • <C-j/k/h/l> - switch between splits (no need to prepend <C-w>)
  • relative line numbers by default
  • <C-n> switches between relative and absolute line numbers
  • (space, space) - alternates between two most recent buffers
  • <leader>f - opens file search with :CtrlP plugin:
    • <leader>b - search in directory of current buffer
    • <leader>gl - in lib/
    • <leader>gm - in app/models
    • <leader>gv - in app/views
    • <leader>gc - in app/controllers
    • <leader>gs - in specs
  • :KillWhitespace - strip trailing whitespace
  • <leader>s opens alternate file (spec)
  • <leader>v opens alternate file in split view
  • <leader>x opens related file


  • :Ack -w foo_bar --no-js --no-css
  • :Ack! - search, but don't jump to first match
  • :AckFromSearch
  • :AckAdd - append to existing quickfix list
  • <leader>a - opens Ack with cursor between ""
  • <leader>A - opens Ack and searches for the word below cursor


  • cs"' - change string from double to single quotes
  • ds( - delete surrounding parentheses
  • ysiW] - surround current WORD with square brackets
  • ysst - surround current line in a HTML tag
  • ysip<c-t> - nest current paragraph in a HTML tag

Visual mode: S. Insert mode: <c-s>.

Surround + rails.vim:

  • -<% -%>
  • =<%= %>
  • #<%# %>
  • e - nest block and append end keyword
  • E - like e, but prompt for text to prepend before block


  • gcc - comment out a line (takes a count)
  • gc - comment out the target of a motion (for example, gcap to comment out a paragraph)
  • gc - in visual, comment out the selection



  • ]m / [m - next / previous method
  • ]M / [M - end of method definition
  • ]] / [[ - next / previous class/module
  • ][ / [] - end of class/module

Text objects:

  • am - a method
  • im - inner method
  • aM - a class
  • iM - inner class


% alternates between matching HTML tags, class/control flow statements and matching end in Ruby, and more. Also works in visual mode.


In visual mode:

  • :Tabularize assignment
  • :Tabularize argument_list
  • :Tabularize /=>


  • :Gcommit
  • :Gstatus
    • jump between lines that represent files with <c-n>, <c-p>
    • - - add/reset file (visual mode too)
    • <Enter> - open current file in the window below
    • p - run git add --patch for current file
    • C - invoke :Gcommit
  • :[range]Gbrowse! - - copy GitHub URL for code that's currently selected
  • :[range]Gblame
  • :Gedit feature:% - version of the current file in the "feature" branch
  • :Gwrite - add %
  • :Gread - checkout %
  • :Gremove - rm %
  • :Gmove <dest> - mv % <dest>


  • gS to split a one-liner into multiple lines
  • gJ (with the cursor on the first line of a block) to join a block into a single-line statement


This plugin lets you search and navigate Ruby library and gem documentation inside Vim.

  • <leader>R opens the search/autocomplete window, and will use a vertical split to display matching documentation
  • K opens documentation for the word under the cursor, if the current buffer is a Ruby file

Thanks to these guys: