(full documentation: https://strike65.github.io/SwiftyStats/docs/)
SwiftyStats is a framework written entirely in Swift that makes heavy use of generic types. SwiftyStats contains frequently used statistical procedures.
It is a framework that is regularly developed and has been created out of passion rather than necessity.
- some less typos
- parameters for Poisson and Binomial distribution
- refactoring
Due to many changes and improvements, it is very likely that projects created with older versions (earlier than 1.1.0) will need to be modified after an update to version 1.1.0. This is especially true for the introduction of namespaces. As a result, the calling conventions for probability distributions have changed. Legacy functions such as pdfStudentTDist(_:_:_:)
have been declared deprecated and will be removed in a later release. The new calling convention looks like SSProbDist.StudentT.pdf()
Starting with version 1.1.1, SwiftyStats is compatible with Swift 5.0. If you need Swift 4.*, please use version 1.1.0.
SwiftyStats is based on the class SSExamine
. This class encapsulates the data to be processed and provides descriptive statistics. In principle, an SSExamine
instance can contain data of any kind. The available statistical indicators depend of course on the type of data.
The following "namespaces"/classes are provided (among others):
instances encapsulate datasets. You can imagine the structure of anSSDataFrame
object as a table: The columns of the table correspond to the individual dataset and the rows correspond to the data of the dataset.SSCrossTab
contains a cross table with the usual structure (like a n x m matrix) and provides the statistics needed for frequency comparisons (Chi-square, Phi, residuals etc.).
There are several extensions to standard Swift types (Array
, Floating point types, String
The attached Xcode project contains four targets:
- SwiftyStats (for macOS)
- SwiftyStatsMobile (for iOS)
- SwiftyStatsTests (Testsuite)
- SwiftStatsCLTest (a command line demo)
Each target must be built individually (i.e. no dependencies are defined)!
In addition a Playground is added to
- test the framework and
- do prototyping
Due to the extensive support of generic types, the type checker runs hot and takes a long time to compile. Therefore the code doesn't look "nice" in some places, because "complex" expressions (like (z1 + z1 - w) / (z1 * w)
) had to be simplified.
CocoaPods is the preferred way to add SwiftyStats to your project:
$> vi Podfile
Your Podfile should looks like:
target 'YOURPROJECT' do
pod 'SwiftyStats'
If you have to use a Swift version earlier than 4.2, replace the line pod 'SwiftyStats'
pod 'SwiftyStats', '1.1.1'
Save your changes, run:
$ pod install
and wait.
The Linux package is still under development and is considered to be unstable.
Edit your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
// for Swift 5
let version = "1.1.6"
// for earlier versions:
// let version = "1.1.1"
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/strike65/SwiftyStats", from: version)
Rebuild your project.
For more information about the Swift Package Manager click here
Clone the repo to a directory of your choice and change to the directory.
Swift must be present on your system!
ormake debug
builds the module in debug-configurationmake release
builds the module in release-configurationmake test
builds the module and performs some testsmake clean
resets the build-process
The integrated test suite uses numerical data for comparison with the results calculated by SwiftyStats. The comparison data were generated using common computer algebra systems and numerical software.
import SwiftyStats
// example data
let data: Array<Double> = [3.14,1.21,5.6]
// because our data are double valued items, the parameter "characterSet" is ignored
let test = SSExamine<Double, Double>.init(withObject: data, levelOfMeasurement: .interval, characterSet: nil)
// prints out the arithmetic mean
// you can use the class to analyze strings too:
let testString = "This string must be analyzed!"
// in this case, only characters contained in CharacterSet.alphanumerics are added
let stringAnalyze = VTExamine<String>(withObject: data, levelOfMeasurement: .nominal, characterSet: CharacterSet.alphanumerics)
// print out the 95% quantile of the Student T distribution
do {
let q = try SSProbDist.StudentT.quantile(p: 0.95, degreesOfFreedom: 21)
catch {
Probability distributions in general are defined within relatively narrow conditions expressed in terms of certain parameters such as "degree of freedom", "shape" or "mean". For each distribution there are the following functions defined:
- cdf: Cumulative Distribution Function
- pdf: Probability Density Function
- quantile: Inverse CDF
- para: returns a
struct (mean
Please always check if
is returned.
- arithmeticMean
- mode
- commonest
- scarcest
- quantile(q:)
- quartile
- geometricMean
- harmonicMean
- contraHarmonicMean
- poweredMean(order:)
- trimmedMean(alpha:)
- winsorizedMean(alpha:)
- gastwirth
- median
- product
- logProduct
- maximum
- minimum
- range
- quartileDeviation
- relativeQuartileDistance
- midRange
- interquartileRange
- interquantileRange(lowerQuantile:upperQuantile:)
- variance(type:)
- standardDeviation(type:)
- standardError
- entropy
- relativeEntropy
- herfindahlIndex
- conc
- gini
- giniNorm
- CR()
- normalCI(alpha:populationSD:)
- studentTCI(alpha:)
- meanCI
- cv
- coefficientOfVariation
- meanDifference
- medianAbsoluteDeviation(center:scaleFactor:)
- meanAbsoluteDeviation(center:)
- meanRelativeDifference
- semiVariance(type:)
- moment(r:type:)
- autocorrelation(n:)
- kurtosisExcess
- kurtosis
- kurtosisType
- skewness
- skewnessType
- hasOutliers(testType:)
- outliers(alpha:max:testType:)
- isGaussian
- testForDistribution(targetDistribution:)
- boxWhisker
- elementsAsString(withDelimiter:asRow:encloseElementsBy:)
- elementsAsArray(sortOrder:)
- uniqueElements(sortOrder:)
- frequencyTable(sortOrder:)
- cumulativeFrequencyTable(format:)
- eCDF(_:)
- smallestFrequency
- largestFrequency
- rowCount
- columnCount
- rowSums
- columnSums
- rowSum(row:)
- rowSum(rowName:)
- columnSum(column:)
- columnSum(columnName:)
- total
- rowTotal()
- colummTotal()
- largestRowTotal()
- largestCellCount(atColumn:)
- largestCellCount(atRow:)
- relativeTotalFrequency(row:column:)
- relativeTotalFrequency(rowName:columnName:)
- relativeRowFrequency(row:column:)
- relativeColumnFrequency(row:column:)
- relativeRowMarginFrequency(row:)
- relativeColumnMarginFrequency(column:)
- expectedFrequency(row:column:)
- expectedFrequency(rowName:columnName:)
- residual(row:column:)
- standardizedResidual(row:column:)
- adjustedResidual(row:column:)
- degreesOfFreedom
- chiSquare
- chiSquareLikelihoodRatio
- chiSquareYates
- covariance
- pearsonR
- chiSquareMH
- phi
- ccont
- coefficientOfContingency
- cramerV
- lambda_C_R()
- lambda_R_C()
- r0
- r1
- Beta
- Binomial
- Cauchy
- Erlang
- Exponential
- Chi Square (central, non-central)
- F-RATIO (central, non central)
- Gamma
- Laplace
- Log Normal
- Logistic
- Pareto
- Binomial
- Poisson
- Rayleigh
- TRIANGULAR with two params
- Wald / Inverse Normal
- Weibull
#####Equality of means
- twoSampleTTest(data1:data2:alpha:)
- twoSampleTTest(sample1:sample2:alpha:)
- oneSampleTTest(sample:mean:alpha:)
- oneSampleTTEst(data:mean:alpha:)
- matchedPairsTTest(set1:set2:alpha:)
- matchedPairsTTest(data1:data2:alpha:)
- oneWayANOVA(data:alpha:)
- oneWayANOVA(data:alpha:)
- oneWayANOVA(dataFrame:alpha:)
- multipleMeansTest(dataFrame:alpha:)
- multipleMeansTest(data:alpha:)
- multipleMeansTest(data:alpha:)
- tukeyKramerTest(dataFrame:alpha:)
- tukeyKramerTest(data:alpha:)
- scheffeTest(dataFrame:alpha:)
- bonferroniTest(dataFrame:)
- autocorrelationCoefficient(array:lag:)
- autocorrelation(array:)
#####NPAR tests
- ksGoFTest(array:targetDistribution:)
- adNormalityTest(data:alpha:)
- mannWhitneyUTest(set1:set2:)
- wilcoxonMatchedPairs(set1:set2:)
- signTest(set1:set2:)
- binomialTest(numberOfSuccess:numberOfTrials:probability:alpha:alternative:)
- binomialTest(data:characterSet:testProbability:successCodedAs:alpha:alternative:)
- binomialTest(data:testProbability:successCodedAs:alpha:alternative:)
- kolmogorovSmirnovTwoSampleTest(set1:set2:alpha:)
- waldWolfowitzTwoSampleTest(set1:set2:)
- kruskalWallisHTest(data:alpha:)
- grubbsTest(array:alpha:)
- esdOutlierTest(array:alpha:maxOutliers:testType:)
- runsTest(array:alpha:useCuttingPoint:userDefinedCuttingPoint:alternative:)
#####Equality of variances
- bartlettTest(array:alpha:)
- leveneTest(array:testType:alpha:)
- chiSquareVarianceTest(array:nominalVariance:alpha:)
- fTestVarianceEquality(data1:data2:alpha:)
This framework is published under the GNU GPL 3
Copyright 2017 - 2020 strike65