This script fetches new dependabot SCA alerts(high, critical , medium) for specified repositories and pushes the new open alerts to specified slack channel and writes individual and aggregate output to specified S3 bucket. This is a modded script with few added functionalities to suit our requirement . Credits to the base script author which is available at @ ( if the original author is reading this , THANK YOU! for the base script. :) )
#How to :
Runs on python 3 runtime . ##this script is modded already to be deployed as a lambda function.
Create a lambda function with permission to read/write to an output S3 bucket(create one for output.).
Create an AWS secret inside secrets manager service with the following name value pairs : slack_webhook_dependabot : webhook to your slack channel. gh_token_dependabot : github token to read the private repositories.
Attach role to Lambda function to read the above created AWS secret.
Attach the type of trigger for lambda function set to cron to run daily .(Eventbridge)
download the following requirement libraries for python 3 and upload the dependencies to the lambda root: certifi, charset_normalizer, idna, requests, urllib3.
Upload all the files in this repo to the lambda root.
Edit the file "" for the fields with relavent values : secret_name = "#your_aws_secret_name" region_name = "#your_aws_region_here" bucket_name = "#your_aws_bucket_to_output" repo_owner_name = "#your_github_orgspace_name"
Edit file "scan_repos.txt" with repository names(each per line) with dependabot alerts enabled and to monitor for delta alerts.
Thats it, deploy the lambda function , script should write results to S3 bucket as per the execution and push new dependabot alerts to the desired slack channel daily.