

Primary LanguageVue


Hi Sary Team, This is my assignment demo on Front-End based on your requirement in this Document: ((U.N.I.S.H.F) United Nations Super Heroes Fund) https://www.notion.so/sary/Hazem-Nabil-Frontend-Task-a687a77f5c444998a7e211d248a045d5

I Build it Based on VueJs and Vuetify.

Why Vue and Vuetify

The VueJs is very lite ,and I like the Vuetify because it is a complete UI framework very rich with useful components and a lot of good feature.

Angular also is very good ,but I think Vutify is more rich than the Angular Material.

What I did on this project

  • Basic Ui design based on Vuetify
  • Nested Components
  • Dynamic Filter
    • Auto Built based on requested Json from the back-end
    • The Accepted Field type is (TextField, Select, DatePicker)
    • The Select Field Type can accept dynamic options from requested Json from the back-end
    • Dynamic Date
    • Emit Change for the Parent on submit the filter form
  • On the parent on submit the filter form, the query parameters on the url will be changed with the new filter params
  • On the page Loaded or on the Query changed it will make new request to the back-end

Note: The BackEnd EndPoints

I didn't receive on the requirement document any end-point even the Country Endpoint is not working for that I create some demo Json files to call the and make the demo Those files located on : "sary_demo/public/demoApi"

  • Countries.json
  • data.json
  • filter.json

And Finally, I hope that like this small demo and THANKS :)

  • Best Regard
  • Hazem Mohamed Nabil
  • Full stack Developer and Web Developer

Project setup

git clone https://github.com/strikerh/SaryDemo.git
cd SaryDemo
yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.