
Ansible configuration

Primary LanguagePython

Install Ansible

Installation of Ansible is required. You could find information how to install Ansible for different platforms on following official website.


If you need to install

Configuration variables

Configuration variables are stored in group_vars. For specific stage under stage name like staging/production. Settings variables are stored in stage_name/settings.yml, where stage_name is staging or production.

Encrypted variables are stored in stage_name/encrypted/file_name.yml. Only datasource variables are stored here like db username, hosts, passwords, certificates, api keys etc.. Naming for those variables should be like vault_edvisor_var_name. With this we know from templates that this variable is encrypted with ansible-vault.

Edit encrypted files:

ansible-vault edit /path/to/file

Change password for encrypted files:

ansible-vault rekey /path/to/file

or for more files:

ansible-vault rekey /path/to/file /path/to/file2



Ansible is used for instance creation/configuration and initial deployment on AWS.

  • group_vars: here are stored configuration variables
  • hosts: is for host configuration, for configuration of instance/deployment with capistrano the hosts are get from aws
  • plugins: here is ansible plugin ec2 file for geting amazon instances
  • roles: here are custom roles like common, deploy, pm2 and staging roles like staging/production

deployment templates

- config.json
- datasources.json

are stored in roles/deploy/templates.


Capistrano is used for project deployments to staging/production environments.

There is Capfile.rb and config folder files which belongs to capistrano.

Deploy tasks are stored in config/deploy.rb Stages for capistrano are stored in config/deploy folder and named like staging.rb / capistrano.rb Capistrano get instances ids from AWS. It used cap-ec2 capistrano package.

Install Roles using Ansible Galaxy

Please take a look at: https://galaxy.ansible.com

The required roles could be install with:

	ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

When adding additional roles you need to force installation, because roles allready exists:

	sudo ansible-galaxy install --force -r requirements.yml

Create AWS Subnet

To create AWS Subnet you need to go to AWS Console -> VPC -> Subnets-> Create subnet.

Create AWS Security Group

For creation of AWS Security Group you need to go to AWS Console -> EC2 -> Network & Security -> Security Groups -> Create Security Group

Its good to separate production and staging security group, so you could name it like edvisor-staging and edvisor-production.

Create AWS Network Interface

Create AWS Network interface go to AWS Console -> EC2 -> Network & Security -> Network Interfaces -> Create network interface

Creation of EC2 Instance

To create an EC2 instance, run the following:

ansible-playbook -i hosts/staging create-ec2-instance.yml --limit staging --extra-vars "env=staging" -vv --ask-vault-pass

It asks for vault password. Enter what is the password and it should continue with instance creation. The example uses staging for host creation.

It also deploys last release so its needed to check agent forwarding and add key identity per instructions under Deploying project.

If you would like to change region for instance you could change it via --extra-vars "env=staging region=us-east-1" or in group_vars/settings.yml.

Configure EC2 Instance

To configure an EC2 instance, run the following:

	ansible-playbook configure-instance.yml -i plugins/inventory/ec2.py --extra-vars "role=staging env=staging hosts=tag_Stages_staging" --ask-vault-pass

Configuration for project deployment

Set environment variables:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "your aws access key id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "your aws secret access key"

Install bundler:

	gem install bundler

Install gems from the Gemfile with:

	bundler install

Check agent forwarding:


	eval "$(keychain -q --eval --agents ssh)"

Add key identity:

	ssh-add /path/to/key

To check, if its working:

	cap staging deploy:check


Deployment user is stored in group_vars/staging or production/users.yml called deploy. If you need to add public ssh-key for different developers/deployers you could add there in the ssh-key list. If there is need of deletion of user you need to remove it and run configure-ec2-instance for specific stage environment where you want to delete user.


To deploy the project, run the following:

	cap staging deploy

To deploy to more regions change seting in config/ec2.yml, you could add more regions you want to deploy to:

  • 'eu-west-1'


	cap staging deploy:rollback

PM2 commands:

Restarting process manager:

	cap staging deploy:restart

Pm2 status, get status of processes on all hosts:

	cap staging deploy:status

Pm2 lists, it lists running processes on all hosts:

	cap staging deploy:list

Pm2 logs, it streams logs files:

	cap staging deploy:logs

Pm2 kill, it kills deamon. It should be used with caution on production.

	cap staging deploy:kill

Pm2 start. If you kill processes you could again start them with:

	cap staging deploy:start

For more information on deployment with Capistrano take a look at http://capistranorb.com/documentation

Configure Elastic Load Balancer

On Aws:

More information on: http://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/getting-started/

Going to AWS console and then choose EC2 -> Load balancers -> Create load balancer.

  1. Initial LB config:
  • Add load balancer name
  • Create LB inside VPC
  • Add listener configuration
    • Load balancer protocol ( http or https ). In case of https you need to add certificates.
    • Load balancer port ( 80 or 443 )
    • Instance protocol and instance port. If you run instances in private network, then you could use port 80 with ssl.
    • Choose instances port. Instances are configurd that api listens on port 3000.
  1. Add healthcheck

    • Configure healtcheck. More information you could find on AWS Load Balancer documentation
  2. Add instances

    • You could add instances to load balancer.

After you created loadbalancer you need to add load balancer DNS name to A Record for domain or subdomain in case of staging.