Python Template Repository

This repository serves as a template for starting Python projects with integrated logging, notification features, and more. It utilizes the loguru library for comprehensive logging and demonstrates the implementation of a notification feature using the notifiers library. Additionally, it showcases the use of decorators and wrappers for function logging, including entry, exit, and execution time tracking.


  • Logging Levels: The template code demonstrates the use of different logging levels to control the verbosity of the output. The following levels are showcased:

    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • ERROR
  • Logging Decorator: A logger_wraps decorator is provided, offering the capability to wrap functions for logging their entry, exit, and execution time. The decorator supports the following parameters:

    • entry: If True, logs the function entry.
    • exit: If True, logs the function exit and result.
    • level: The logging level to use.
  • Slack Notification (Optional): The template includes commented-out code to send Slack notifications in case of errors. To enable this feature, follow these steps:

    1. Uncomment the lines related to Slack notification in the script.
    2. Ensure you've filled in the required Slack webhook URL in the .env file.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to create a new Python project using this template:

  1. Click the "Use this template" button at the top of the repository page to create a new repository based on this template.

  2. Clone your newly created repository to your local machine:

         git clone
         cd your-repo-name
         poetry install

Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the necessary values.


Run the main script using the following command:

To test the logging example

    poetry run python

The script will output logs of different levels and demonstrate the decorator's impact on the test_timeit function. The output will be displayed in the console.