
My version of a custom select input, with filtering

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


My version of a custom select input, with filtering

The process


A demo


To Do

  • Move status update to start on first focus, not on page load
  • Add the high-contrast focus indicator back (not sure when that got removed?)
  • Add aria-selected attributes to makeChoice, remove on clearValue
  • check arrow navigation works in all screen readers
    • problems in JAWS/Chrome during filtered state
    • Talkback/Chrome/Android not working well
    • NVDA/Firefox seems ok, continue testing
  • Update pattern to ARIA 1.2 - still only a recommendation for the next version, but Sarah Higley's usability testing (https://www.24a11y.com/2019/select-your-poison-part-2/) showed it gave the best results
  • Update script so that both Enter and Space open the list
  • Make the arrow icon pointer-only
  • See if I can make the list appear above or below the input based on available screen space


  • What would the impact be of removing aria-controls attribute? It causes older JAWS to give additional instructions which are inaccurate.
  • Or should there be instructions at all? Excess instructions are usually annoying. On the other hand it's a custom widget, so people might not have encountered an input like it before and filtering isn't necessarily an intuitive interaction.