
Sandip Trivedi's social profile badges. This is just a collection of badges I may use elsewhere on the internet for myself or my work at Quantierra. I'm just putting all of them in this repo so I have some place to reference when I want one. Also, I just like badges.

Sandip Trivedi (personal and Quantierra) badges

This is just a collection of badges I may use elsewhere on the internet. Some of them have information about me and some of them have information about Quantierra. I'm just putting all of them in this repo so I have some place to reference when I want one. Also, I just like badges.

Note to self, I need to add the badges for other team members, if this is something that is useful. I know it says "personal" badges but I will see what they say.

It may seem vain that I have my name over and over again but honestly, it seems the (very few!) people who ask about it just copy/paste the line.

Note to self, I should do this for my cofounders as well, if it turns out that something like this is really useful. If this turns out to be stupid, I can just delete all of this and replace it with something else, like cats.

First off, I want to reference and thank https://github.com/Ileriayo/markdown-badges and https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons for the badges

About.me Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra About.me profile *

Angel List Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Angel List profile

Codewars Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Codewars profile

Crunchbase Profile- Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Crunchbase profile mentioning Quantierra *

Quantierra's Crunchbase Profile including Sandip Trivedi - Quantierra's Crunchbase profile including Sandip Trivedi *

Devto Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Dev.to blog and profile

Dribbble Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Dribbble *

Facebook Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Facebook Profile

Foursquare Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Foursquare Profile *

Github Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Github Profile

Github Pages Profile Mentioning Quantierra - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Github Pages Profile

Github Pages Project - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Personal Badges Github Pages

Gitlab Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Gitlab Profile

Hashnode Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Hashnode Profile

Hashnode Blog - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Hashnode Blog

Instagram Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Instagram Profile

Kaggle Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Kaggle Profile *

Linkedin Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra LinkedIn Profile

Linktree Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Linktree Profile

New York Times Article Mentioning Sandip Trivedi and Quantierra (and Stephen Smith) - New York Times zoning related article hlped by Sandip Trivedi and Quantierra and Stephen Smith titled 40 Percent of the Buildings in Manhattan Could Not Be Built Today *

Product Hunt Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Product Hunt Profile *

Reddit Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Reddit Profile

Reddit Post Mentioning Sandip Trivedi and Quantierra (and Stephen Smith) - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Reddit Post Mentioning Sandip Trivedi and Quantierra

Repl.it Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Repl.it Profile

Soundcloud Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Soundcloud Profile

Stack Exchange Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Stack Exchange Profile

Stack Overflow Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Stack Overflow Profile

Tumblr Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Tumblr Profile

Twitch Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Twitch Profile

Twitter Profile - Sandip Trivedi's Quantierra Twitter Profile

Y Combinator Quantierra Profile including Sandip Trivedi - Quantierra's YCombinator Profile including Sandip Trivedi *

TODO: See if I can figure out how to make badges for personal and Quantierra.


Technical Website | Professional Website | Personal Website | F6S Profile


Quantierra Website Not Mentioning Sandip Trivedi | Venture Souq Quantierra Profile Mentioning Sandip Trivedi | Pitchfork Quantierra Profile Mentioning Sandip Trivedi | Alley Watch Quantierra Profile Mentioning Sandip Trivedi