
Cryptographic data transfer protocol.

The protocol is presentation layer related and serves as an infrastructure for TCP-based application layer protocols, providing data encryption/decryption and serializations.

Core features

  • Hybrid encryption, using both RSA and AES algorithms.
  • Digital signatures.
  • Supports the transfer of raw bytes, plain text, files and serialized objects.
  • Data compression.
  • Non-blocking socket connections.
  • Simple API.

How to use

Establish connection


Generates private and public keys pair (See Public-key cryptography)

KeyPair keyPair = Handshake.generateKeyPair(600);

Generates a secret key (Symmetric cryptography) which is used to encrypt the transferred data

SecretKey key = Handshake.generateSecretKey(128);


  • SecretKey serverHandshake(@NotNull Wrapper socket, @NotNull KeyPair keys)

    Establishes a connection from the server's edge. Receives the socket wrapper of the client and the server's keys pair. Returns the client's secret key.

  • boolean clientHandshake(@NotNull Wrapper socket, @NotNull SecretKey key)

    Establishes a connection from the client's edge. Receives the socket wraper of the client's secret key. Returns true if the connection was successfuly established.


public class Server {
    public Server() throws IOException, RSAException, InvalidKeyException, SessionInitException, DataFormatException, VerificationException {
        int IP = 64512;
        ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket();
        // Creates private and public keys
        KeyPair key = Handshake.generateKeyPair(600);
        if (key != null){
            Socket socket = server.accept();
            SocketWrapper wrapper = new SocketWrapper(socket);
            // performs handshake with the client and exchange keys
            SecretKey secretKey = Handshake.serverHandshake(wrapper, key);
            Session session = new Session(wrapper, secretKey);
            String message = session.receiveText();


public class Client {
    public Client(String ip, int port) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, RSAException, InvalidAESKeySizeException, SessionInitException {
        Socket socket = new Socket(ip, port);
        SocketWrapper wrapper = new SocketWrapper(socket);
        SecretKey secretKey = Handshake.generateSecretKey(128);
        if (secretKey != null) {
            boolean connEstablished = Handshake.clientHandshake(wrapper, secretKey);
            if (connEstablished) {
                Session session = new Session(wrapper, secretKey);
                session.sendText("new message from client");


Raw bytes and text

  • void send(@NotNull byte[] data)
  • byte[] receive()
  • void sendText(@NotNull String text)
  • String receiveText()


  • void sendFile(@NotNull String filepath)

    Sends a file in one chunk. Receives file's path.

  • void sendFile(@NotNull String filepath, int chunk)

Sends a file in chunks. Receives file's path and chunk's size.

  • FileInfo receiveFile()

Receives a file. Returns FileInfo object.

  • FileInfo receiveFile(@NotNull String savePath, String name)

Receives a file. Returns FileInfo object. Parameters are the file's saving destination path and file's name.


FileInfo object contains information about the received file:

FileInfo fileInfo = session.receiveFile();

// returns file's name
String filename = fileInfo.getFilename();
// returns file's size
int size = fileInfo.getSize();
// returns file's data
byte[] data = fileInfo.getData();


Sending and receiving objects through the session. Objects must be serializable.

public class Student implements Serializable {
    public String name;
    public int age;

    Student(String name, int age){ = name;
        this.age = age;

Send and receive:

Student student = new Student("student name", 19);
// send object
// receive object
Student student = (Student)session.receiveObject();


  • void setCompressionMode(boolean mode)

    Sets on/off the compression option.


  • WrapperException
  • InvalidAESKeySizeException
  • RSAException
  • SessionInitException
  • VerificationException
  • NonSerializableClass