Reliable User Datagram Protocol (UDP) implementation.

Primary LanguagePython


Reliable User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The protocol implements more complex functions than the primitive basic UDP (but still not as heavy as TCP)


  • Verifies reception of packets.
  • Retransmission of lost packets.
  • In order packets reception.
  • Safe session establishment and closing.
  • Multi-client server sockets
  • Costumized settings (timeouts, packet retransmissionm and packets size)

Using TCP concepts such as sequnece numbers, packstes acknowledgement and 3-way handshake.


IP = ''
PORT = 55265


from .src.sockets.server import ReliableServer

server = ReliableServer(IP, PORT)
print ('listening...')
# accept new connections
while True:
  new_session = server.accept()
  print ("new session started")
  msg = session.receive(1024)
  print (msg)
  session.send('message received')


from src.sockets.client import ReliableSocket

sock = ReliableSocket(IP, PORT)
print ("session started")
msg = 'new message from client'
response = sock.receive(1024)
print (response)

Server output

new session started
new message from client

Client output

session started
message received


ReliableServer(ip, port)

Creates a server binded to given ip address and port.

  • listen()

    listen to income clients.

  • accept()

    Accept a session with a client (similar to the TCP socket, just connectionless). Returns a conenction with a client as ClientConnection object, usable to send and receive data on the connection.

  • shutdown()

    Shuts down the server. Active sessions should be closed in advanced to avoid socket exception.

ClientConnection - returns from server's accept method

  • send(data)

    Sends data to clients.

  • receive(buffer)

    Receives data from clients.

  • close()

    Close connection.

ReliableSocket(ip, port)

Creates a client sokcet. Receives target server ip address and port number.

  • connect()

    Connect to the server.

  • send(data)

    Sends data to server.

  • receive(buffer)

    Receives data from Server.

  • close()

    Close session with server.