This is a demo project for the @strongishllama/faasd-cdk NPM package.
The following deployment steps assume:
- You have CDK setup locally.
- You've used CDK before in the past and are relatively comfortable deploying stacks.
- Route53 hosted zone is in the same region you're deploying into.
- A VPC is in the same region you're deploying into.
To deploy this stack into your AWS account execute the following steps.
Clone the stack.
git clone
Install dependencies.
cd faasd-cdk-demo && npm install
Replace the placeholder properties in the bin/faasd-cdk.demo.ts
- AWS_ACCOUNT: The AWS account number you're deploying into.
- AWS_REGION: The AWS region you're deploying into.
- BASE_DOMAIN_NAME: The base domain name of the Route53 hosted zone.
- FULL_DOMAIN_NAME: The full domain name where faasd will be hosted. Leave undefined if you wish to use the base domain name.
- EMAIL_ADDRESS: The email address LetsEncrypt will use.
- VPC_ID: The ID of the VPC that the EC2 instance will be deployed into.
- AMI_ID: The ID of the AMI that the EC2 instance will use when deployed.
Deploy the stack.
cdk deploy faasd-cdk-demo-stack
Once the stack is deployed you will see 3 outputs on your terminal.
- The URL where faasd is hosted.
- Your username to login.
- The URL of the SecretsManager secret where your generated password is stored.
Fetch the password from SecretsManager and the follow the faasd URL to login. You may have to wait a few minutes for the user data script to finish running.