

The script can be run directly and requires no Gems.

./prime_multiple.rb [N number of primes]


To run tests, run Bundler, then usual rspec:

bundle exec rspec


  • TODO(riley): To use N beyond 90, the code would need to be changed either to do the sieve for higher numbers or run a segmented sieve.


While the Sieve itself has a time complexity of n*log(log(n)) where n is MAX_SIEVE_INTEGER, because we break once we have enough prime numbers, the actual time complexity is trickier and would relate to the prime number function (I think...).

The multiplication time complexity is n*sqrt(n) where n is the number of primes. A naive implementation would visit each and every cell but often we can fill 2 cells for each multiplication.

Ultimately n*sqrt(n) dominates so that's the time complexity.