
Follow me gadget based on Rpi Pico MCU

Primary LanguageGoBSD Zero Clause License0BSD



Simple 'follow me' application for INAV. The application runs on a RaspberryPi Pico (rp2040) and requires a NMEA GPS connected to the Pico.

The vehicle requires INAV firmware supporting MSPv2. This is an artificial requirement to simplify the code; the underlying INAV "follow me" functionality e.g. (GCS_NAV) has existed since 2016.

A bi-directional MSP capable transparent serial data link is required between the ground control station (GCS) and the vehicle. Examples of suitable data links include 3DR, HC-12 and LoRA based radio systems.

The RP Pico requires a GPS. An old NMEA capable Neo6M is more than adequate. It must provide $GPGGA and optionally $GPRMC.

In theory, "follow me" is available for all types of INAV vehicle (platform type) that supports stationary POSHOLD, e.g. MultiRotor and possibly Rover and Boat. By default, fixed wing is excluded, but this can be changed by configuration.

Optionally, a SSD1306 OLED is supported.

Pico Firmware Configuration

The configurable items are built into the application; it is necessary to rebuild the application to change them. Unless you have some (small) development skills and which to change other things, these are the only items you should change. See the source file prefs.go:

/* user preferences */
const (
	// Baud rate for MSP
	MSPBAUD = 115200
	// Baud rate for GPS
	GPSBAUD = 9600
	// Minimum user sats for follow me
	// Craft type for no follow (1 = FW); 255 allows anything
	// Don't follow if closer than this distance (m), 0 disables this check
	MIN_FOLLOW_DIST float32 = 2.0
    	// GPS Time format, either integer seconds or 1 decimal
	GPS_TIME_FORMAT = "15:04:05"
	//GPS_TIME_FORMAT = "15:04:05.0"

	//  USE_VBAT boolean
	USE_VBAT = true
	// For Pico-W you need this; ignored for standard Pico

	// if true, the HOME location will also be set to the follow me location
	RESET_HOME = false
/* End of user preferences */

If the configuration is changed, it is necessary to rebuild / reflash the firmware.

Voltage Reporting

The method for reporting voltage differs between the Pico and Pico-W. This is now auto-detected if USE_VBAT = true . At least on the developer's Pico-W, an offset (0.8V) is also required to display the external (VSYS voltage). For standard Pico, an offset of 0.0 is applied.

In order to have voltage displayed, it is necessary to:

  • Set USE_VBAT to true (default)
  • Consider setting VBAT_OFFSET (even to 0.0)
  • Rebuild / reflash the firmware


A number of preferences may be changed at runtime using a CLI. When a serial terminal program (cu, minicom, picocom, tinygo monitor, cliterm -n, putty etc.) is connected to the Pico device node (typically /dev/ttyACM0), informational data is displayed. This may be paused by pressing the hash key (#); a banner INAV-followme! CLI and prompt # is then displayed and the user can issue commands. The commands, current value and ranges are shown by the help and list commands (which do the same thing).

$ cliterm -n
2022-12-07T09:09:51+0000 Registered serial device: /dev/ttyACM0 [2e8a:000a], Vendor: Raspberry_Pi, Model: Pico, Serial: (null), Driver: cdc_acm
open /dev/ttyACM0
09:09:55 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000
09:09:56 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000
09:09:57 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000
09:09:58 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000
09:09:59 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000

INAV-followme! CLI

# list
gps_baud = 9600 [1200 - 115200]
msp_baud = 115200 [1200 - 115200]
vbat_offset = 0.8 [0.0 - 1.8]
reset_home = false [0/false - 1/true]
minsats = 6 [3 - 99]
09:10:05 [1:0] Qual:  0  sats:  0  lat:  0.000000  lon:  0.000000

Values are set as key = value, for example:

reset_home = true

CLI variables

Key name Usage
gps_baud GPS baud rate, validated (1)
msp_baud MSP baud rate, validated (1)
vbat_offset VBAT voltage offset in the range 0.0 - 1.8V
reset_home Defines whether a RESET HOME (WP#0) update is performed in addition to follow me (WP#255) (2)
minsats The minimum satellite count for follow me / reset home to be asserted

Note 1: Valid baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

Note 2: If true, MSP_SET_WP for WP#0 is only asserted when the vehicle is in POSHOLD (INAV does not require this, GCS NAV is sufficient).

Control keys

  • # : Opens CLI
  • Esc : Escape key, closes CLI, informational message flow resumes.


Due to limitations of the Tinygo SDK, it is not possible to save values set via the CLI.

Pico Hardware Connections

  • The GPS is connected to UART0 (pins 1 & 2)
  • The MSP serial link is connected to UART1 (pins 11 & 12)
  • Optionally, the OLED is connected to I2C1 (SDA pin 31, SCL pin 32). These pins are used for ergonomics such that all the external connector are not on one side of the device.

These may be changed by updating the peripheral device configurations in main.go.


  • Power up the Pico.
  • If the Pico is powered / connected via USB, then status information is provided over USB and may be viewed in any serial terminal.
  • Status data will be displayed on the OLED.
    • When no valid data is available : "Initialised"
    • Once GPS time is available "HH:MM:SS"
      • GPS Quality (0/1/2), no fix, GPS fix, DGPS fix.
      • Number of satellites
  • Once the required number of satellites is reached (GPSMINSAT above), then the vehicle is interrogated.
    • If the vehicle is of type DONT_FOLLOW_TYPE (typically FW), then follow me is not available.
    • Otherwise, navigation interrogation is started. If navigation mode HOLD is reported, and the distance between the vehicle and GCS is greater than MIN_FOLLOW_DIST, then follow me data (the required observer / GCS location) is sent to the vehicle.
    • The "follow me" status will be displayed on the OLED.
    • The vehicle will only react to this data if the user has also asserts GCS NAV mode. The user may switch between normal POSHOLD and "Follow me" by toggling a GCS NAV switch on the transmitter.

Note that as the vehicle has to be in POSHOLD for GCS NAV to work, if you experience any issues, disengaging the GCS NAV switch will revert to standard POSHOLD.

Installation and Building

A fl2 file may be provided (in the Release folder) with the default settings shown above. This may be dropped onto the Pico's boot loader mode pseudo-filesystem.

Build requirements

  • tinygo compiler (most Linux distros / FreeBSD provide packages or Github Project releases) for others.
  • Optionally, make to automate
  • Internet access for required external packages (for first build).

Make targets

  • make : (default). Builds .elf file (tinygo build -target pico -size short -o inav-follow.elf)
  • make flash : Builds .elf, flashes .uf2 image to device. (tinygo flash -target pico)
  • make uf2 : Builds .elf, generates .uf2 using elf2uf2-rs. elf2uf2-rs inav-follow.elf inav-follow.uf2
  • make clean : Removes and .elf and .uf2 files.

Monitor over USB

tinygo monitor [-port DEVICE_NODE]


It is possible to use a SSD1306 OLED to provide a clue as to what is happening.

The fields are as follows:


  • The 1st line shows the attached GPS time
  • The 2nd line (GPS) shows the local GPS Status (satellites and fix type)
  • The 3rd line (Mode) shows the INAV connection status
  • When connected to INAV, the 4th line (INAV) shows the INAV Firmware version and and navigation mode.
  • The 5th line (VSat) shows the vehicle's (INAV) satellite count and HDOP.
  • The 6th Line (VPos) shows the distance and bearing from the vehicle to the user.


  • Starting : Application is starting
  • Initialised : Application ready for GPS input and MSP connection
  • Connecting : Connecting to FC / MSP (sufficient local satellites / fix)
  • Connected : Connected to the FC
  • Failed : FC did not return required information (in particular FC_VARIANT == INAV or excluded by DONT_FOLLOW_TYPE).

Navigation Modes

  • Idle : Not in a navigation mode
  • PH : Position Hold, application sends WP#255 location which will result in 'follow me' if the pilot also asserts GCS NAV mode
  • RTH : Return to home
  • WP : Waypoint mission


Note: The image is from an earlier build with some UI elements rearranged.


This application has been bench tested; it has not tested in flight (by the author).

Running against a GPS replay and trivial MSP simulator, it appears to do the right thing.

Note that at the moment, copious debug output is written to any connected USB (USB serial console).

Simulation Tools

A GPS replayer (gpsrd) and a MSP simulator (followsim, sufficient for this application only) may be found in the tools directory. These require a native Go compiler.

Additional Infomation

Please see the wiki, in particular pinout diagram and high level design reference.


(c) Jonathan Hudson 2022. 0-BSD.