
JavaScript plugin for Daily Shells https://stroparo.github.io/ds/

Primary LanguageShell

JavaScript shell scripts

This contains JavaScript related shell scripts to bootstrap JavaScript projects such as Node, React or both. Options for TypeScript are also available.

You can just clone this, execute chmod +x scripts/* inside the cloned directory and add that scripts directory to the PATH...

... but there is a much easier way!

Read on:

SIDRA Scripting Library plugin i.e. automated setup

The SIDRA Scripting Library plugin feature will clone, install, chmod the scripts and have that directory in the PATH, all of these done automatically!

If you still do not have SIDRA Scripting Library installed in your environment, follow the instructions at http://stroparo.github.io/ds/

Then with a new terminal emulator opened after having just installed SIDRA Scripting Library, just run:

zdraplug ds-js

Voilá, this plugin's scripts will be ready to be executed!