
strophe.archive.js is a plugin to provide Message Archiving ( XEP-0136 ).

Notes on Browser support

If you want to support Browsers which do not support setISO8601 on a Date-Object (like e.g. FF 11), include iso8601_support.js, too.


Make sure you include Strophe.rsm as well as Strophe.archive

Init Archive

# `connection` is Strophe.Connection

Retrieve Archive

var jid = 'username@your_xmpp_server';

connection.listCollections(jid, null, function(collections, responseRsm) {
    // Now you can iterate over the collections. Here we retrieve
    // all the messages contained in each collection.
    collections.forEach(function(collection) {
        collection.retrieveMessages(function(null, function(messages) {
            // Your callback here to process all the messages in this collection.

Retrieve Archive with RSM

var cachedResponseRsm = null;

var jid = 'username@your_xmpp_server';

// Retrieve a max of 1 collections.
var rsm = new Strophe.RSM({max: 1});

// Fetch the first collection.
connection.listCollections(jid, rsm, function(firstCollection, firstRsm) {
    // To demonstrate paging, we use the responseRsm to fetch the next collection.
    var nextRsm =;
    connection.listCollections(jid, nextRsm, function(secondCollection, secondRsm) {
        // Now we have access to the secondCollection here.


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