
Use jQuery to build a basic calculator

Primary LanguageCSS

jQuery Calculator

Use jQuery to build a basic calculator using the provided HTML and CSS.


More specifically, the app should allow a user to do the following.

  • Click an operand or operator button to append its corresponding text to the screen.
    • If the screen displays the message Error, don't append anything.
  • Click the clear button to remove all the text from the screen.
  • Click the equals button to evaluate the arithmetic expression shown in the screen.
    • If the expression is in format operand(+|-|x|÷)operand, evaluate the expression and update the screen with the result.
    • If the expression isn't in the correct format or when attempting to divide by zero, update the screen with the message Error.

Bonus 1

Try to solve the exercise without changing the existing HTML nested inside the buttons-container tag.

Bonus 2

Try to evaluate the expression without using the eval() function.

Bonus 3

Enhance the calculator so users can input arithmetic expressions using their keyboard. More specifically, the app should allow a user to do the following.

  • Type an arithmetic expression directly to the screen.
  • Press the Enter key to evaluate the screen's expression.
  • Press the Escape key to clear the screen.

TIP: You'll have to change the screen to an <input> tag.


Review the following articles on the Surge platform and then deploy your website to production.

A good domain name for this project is USERNAME-jquery-calculator.surge.sh where USERNAME is your GitHub username in all lowercase letters. Once deployed and everything works as you expect, copy your Surge URL and paste it at the top of your GitHub repository's page.