
Support more strictly CSS definition for tailwindcss plugin components

Primary LanguageTypeScript

tailwind components helper


This package was created to improve the development experience by enabling code completion when defining styles such as Emotion and Styled Components using addComponents and matchComponents, which are used when creating tailwindcss plugins.

It was also created to support the ideas defined in the tailwindcss description below. tailwindlabs/tailwindcss#13673


# npm
npm install -D tailwindcss-components-helper

# yarn
yarn add -D tailwindcss-components-helper

# pnpm
pnpm add -D tailwindcss-components-helper


If you use it in a "type": "module" project, it will look like this:

import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin'
import { css } from 'tailwindcss-components-helper'

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  plugins: [
    plugin(({ theme, addComponents, matchComponents }) => {
        '.test-add': css({
          display: 'block',
          marginTop: '20px',
          'margin-top': '20px',
          backgroundColor: 'red',

          '&:hover': {
            backgroundColor: "white",
            animation: 'my-anim infinite 20s linear',

            '@keyframes my-anim': {
              '0%': {
                transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
              '100%': {
                transform: 'rotate(360deg)',

          'test-match': value => css({
            display: 'block',
            marginTop: value,
            'margin-top': value,
            color: 'blue',

            ':hover': {
              color: 'green'
        { values: theme('space') }