What's included in the repo?

This repo contains the necessary cookbooks for the following applications:-

Nagios-Remote (nagios-remote.json)

NRPE version 2.13 Nagios plugins version 1.4.16

Tested on a Ubuntu 11.04 system

Postgres and Postgis (postgres_postgis.json)

Installs Postgres 9.1.2 and Postgis 2 from source.

RasterStats (starspan.json)

Installs GDAL 1.9.0, GEOS 3.2.2, Ruby 1.9.3, Starspan and Raster-stats

Note Only works on a Ubuntu 10.04 system

TileMill (tilemill.json)

Installs mapnik, node, nodejs, sqlite, projectmill and tilemill

Only tested on a Ubuntu 10.04 system

How do I use the repo?

Firstly do

git clone https://github.com/strtwtsn/WCMC_Cookbooks.git

Then to install the application do:-

chef-solo -c /var/chef/config/chef-solo.rb -j /var/chef/roles/role.json file

Note Replace role.json with the relevant json file from the list above.

What else do I need?

To use the cookbooks you also need Ruby and the Chef Gem. You can use the installscript.sh file to install these, it will also clone the Cookbook repository. Replace role.json in the chef-solo -c /var/chef/config/chef-solo.rb -j /var/chef/roles/role.json file with the relavant json file from above for a fully automated experience