frasm is a Ruby binding for Distorm64 v1.7.30 written by Gil Dabah [] The frasm binding was originally written by Tom Ptacek and has since been updated by Chris Rohlf frasm requires you have built and installed libdistorm Distorm comes with pystorm by default so when you create distorm64.{so,bundle,dll} be sure to compile like so: 'make clib' otherwise ruby will throw an error due to undefined python symbols --------------- Compiling Frasm --------------- cd src/ ruby extconf.rb make The directories linux/ osx/ and win32 also have manually created Makefiles if extconf.rb fails you ------------------- Example frasm usage ------------------- require 'frasm' d = d.decode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ").each do |l| puts "#{l.mnem} #{l.size} #{l.offset} #{l.raw}" end