

  • Typescript
  • Gatsby
  • Storyblok CMS
  • Tailwind (CSS-in-JS)
  • Storybook
  • NVM


$ npx create-react-app my-app --template cra-template-typescript-gatsby-storyblok-tailwind-storybook

SSL Installation

$ brew install mkcert
$ mkcert -install
$ mkcert localhost


To get started, ensure you have the following dependencies installed globally:

Get Started

Update Storyblok Token

Move .env.example to .env.development, and update the GATSBY_STORYBLOK_TOKEN variable to your preview token. This can be obtained in Storyblok by going to Settings -> API Keys

Update to correct node version

nvm use


yarn develop

Generating Types

Whenever you update your Storyblok schema, run the following commands to update your types locally:

yarn storyblok:pull
yarn storyblok:types

Your new types will be updated in src/@types/storyblok.d.ts