A bold way to begin your next great universal React application. Uses Webpack 3, React 16, Redux, and more for a great developer experience.
- 1
FLUSH CHUNKS, Incorrect naming
#31 opened by markudevelop - 4
- 1
- 2
redux-logger doesnt seems to work
#22 opened by markudevelop - 2
`yarn dev` fail
#21 opened by otmjka - 2
Comparison with react-universally
#20 opened by oyeanuj - 9
jumping css while rendering the page in production
#16 opened by rolele - 1
I can't get working hmr
#13 opened by lp741 - 0
performance question
#14 opened by veeramarni - 2
error building for production
#15 opened by rolele - 0
work with happypack and webpack 1?
#12 opened by keller35 - 1
builld failing,
#10 opened by mrsufgi - 1
Deployment help (Heroku)
#9 opened by hirenchauhan2 - 8
Build Fails after adding few client libs [material-ui, redux-form, wallop, react-tap-event-plugin]
#8 opened by hirenchauhan2