- 1
How to apply retina.js only to .png files?
#222 opened by bisonbrah - 2
- 14
- 0
Download Button Goes Wrong Version of Retina.js
#287 opened by fatihturan - 0
#292 opened - 0
devicePixelRatio rounding
#274 opened by jaykay-design - 1
Refresh retinajs after img src changed
#279 opened by Honza-B - 0
Change Retina Display
#219 opened by EddieOne - 0
Is it compatible with lazysizes ?
#290 opened by PubliAlex - 2
- 1
Readme issue
#288 opened by maliyshock - 0
- 2
- 3
Support for 2x & 3x through data attributes
#283 opened by brentdodell - 2
Retina.js only works locally
#262 opened by GonzaloSP - 3
Update npm package
#221 opened by hyzhak - 2
Cannot minify JS for retina.js
#268 opened by oliveratgithub - 3
Conflict caused by the "exports" object
#260 opened by rkyoku - 0
- 5
export is undefined
#257 opened by AdamTibi - 3
- 9
- 0
Is it another bug (except the exports)?
#273 opened by jacksonwj - 0
- 0
Failed to load resource
#259 opened by DemidenkoAndrey - 9
Version 2.1.0 does not identify images
#253 opened by magcrider - 11
Does not work with inline CSS
#224 opened by simondoescode - 1
(2.1.0) Not works on mobile IE10
#276 opened by mxkeke - 4
The minified version has a bug: OnLoad event does not process any images
#270 opened by johannesgerer - 1
How to discard SVG images to try loading @2x?
#266 opened by onavascuez - 0
Why does the LESS mixin set background-size?
#263 opened by maenu - 4
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can't get to work using zurb template structure 6.2.2
#252 opened by nikkijd - 0
- 0
Lazy load support
#254 opened by lucasff - 3
Not possible to apply retinajs() to new images
#249 opened by IlyaSemenov - 4
Must ignore .svg images as non-bitmap assets
#212 opened by nakonechny - 1
Should be able to avoid all images lookup
#213 opened by nakonechny - 0
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Dynamic add image not geting @2x or @3x images
#229 opened by shivam5x - 1
Performance while scrolling
#235 opened by tusharmath - 1
On Shopify
#236 opened by p0rcupine - 1
version 1.4.0 not in tags.
#237 opened by hetz - 1
`root.devicePixelRatio` with CommonJS
#238 opened by dangreen - 1
- 2
Reload / Reinit retinajs programmatically
#240 opened by floriannicolas - 1
data-no-retina not necessary
#230 opened by syildiz - 1
page load speed
#233 opened by urmauur - 3