
Pi-hole running on Kubernetes, load-balanced with MetalLB, forwarding traffic via DNS-over-HTTPS with Cloudflared

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Pi-hole running on Kubernetes, load-balanced with MetalLB, forwarding traffic via DNS-over-HTTPS with Cloudflared

This project is based on work of https://github.com/David-VTUK/k8spihole (setting up Pi-hole with MetalLB) and https://github.com/jcrowthe/k8s-pihole-cloudflared (setting up Pi-hole with Cloudflared).

As I was unable to find finished solution that would combine Pi-hole on k8s with MetalLB load balancer and cloudflared DNS-over-HTTPS, what I did was merged two solutions mentioned above into one project. I also did notice an issue in original k8s-pihole-cloudflared yaml file, as DNS traffic was forwarded via port 53 therefore not utilizing cloudflared cababilities at all as per docker definition file of visibilityspots/cloudflared, cloudflared runs on port 54 and not port 53.

I did confirm that my changes works well by running tests on https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/


First setup MetalLB by running:

kubectl apply -f metallb-config.yaml

This will setup load balancer and give it an app pool from - Please note that you should limit your DHCP not to use this range.

Pi-hole and cloudflared will be installed by running. But before that change admin password by modifying - name: WEBPASSWORD value: admin in deploy-pihole-cloudflared-fixed.yaml. You can now continue installation and run:

kubectl apply -f deploy-pihole-cloudflared-fixed.yaml

After execution you would need to check at what address was assigned to cloudflared service by running:

kubectl get svc -n pihole-dns

In order to be able to see proper Client IPs and not obscured IP by nodes, we need to set externalTrafficPolicy: Local

As I was using WeaveNet I also had to set NO_MASQ_LOCAL=1 in order for previous policy to take effect by running:

kubectl apply -f "https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')&env.NO_MASQ_LOCAL=1"

LoadBalancer is set to for udp services and for for tcp services You can access web app by going to And your DHCP sould point to