This repo contains a Blazor WebAssembly application that calls a Web API backend to send an email using SendGrid.
The solution contains 3 projects:
: The Blazor client applicationSiteWebAssemply.Api.csproj
: The core backendSiteWebAssembly.Model.csproj
: The model that is shared across both projects
Blazor WebAssembly
For every Blazor WebAssembly project, the entry point for the application is the App.razor
component. If the path the application being requested exists, the page is then rendered in the @Body
property in the MainLayout.razor
The MainLayout.razor
component is where we can specify the components that will be shared across multiple pages, such as a website header and footer. In our case, we create a header component called MainHeader.razor
that is referenced in the MainLayout.razor
as shown below:
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
<MainHeader />
Create components to better organize a page
In order to better organize this application, I have created multiple components and then referenced them in the page instead of having a very large component. An example of this can be seen here below in the Index.razor
page where it references 3 components:
@page "/"
<Banner />
<Content />
<SendEmail />
Blazor Animations
To create animations in the application I used the Blazor.Animate
nuget package craeted by mikoskinen. In order to add this nuget package simply run this dotnet cli command inside the Blazor WebAssembly folder: dotnet add package BlazorAnimate --version 3.0.0
To add animation to a Component or html element, simply wrap it inside the Animate component as below:
<Animate Animation="Animations.SlideUp" DurationMs="1000">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Call Backend Web API
Blazor supports dependency injection. Dependency injection will be used in order to have a single instance of the the service across all components and to decouple the components from the concrete service class.
In our blazor wasm application we have created the EmailService.cs
class that will be injected in the DI container in Program.cs
by doing:
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IEmailService, EmailService>();
The service class above requires the HttpClient
class, so we will add it as a Scoped. In the configuration we will also set the Backend BaseAddress. It is important to say that in a deployed application the base address should be configured in a configuration file such as appsettings.json or have the value coming from the Azure KeyVault service when this application is running in Azure App Service for example.
builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44345") });
ASP.NET Core backend Web API
Enable CORS in Backend Web API
Browsers have a security feature that prevents an application from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the application. If you try to call the backend from the blazor webassembly without configuring the server you'll get an error. In order to solve this, the endpoint in the backend must enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
In order to enable it on the backend, you add in the Configure
method in Startup.cs
the folowing middleware after the UseRouting
, but before the UseAuthorization
as shown below:
// Enable cors
app.UseCors(policyName => policyName.WithOrigins("https://localhost:5001")
Add SendGrid Nuget Package
The service we'll be using to send email is SendGrid. We will use from SendGrid two nuget packages, one to send the emails and the other one to allow us to have access to the ISendGridClient
interface that is injected in the DI container.
To download both nuget package, run this dotnet cli commands inside the Web Api project folder location:
dotnet add package Sendgrid --version 9.21.1
dotnet add package SendGrid.Extensions.DependencyInjection --version 1.0.0
Now that we have both of this packages, first we register the service in Startup.cs
services.AddSendGrid(opt => opt.ApiKey = Configuration["SendGrid:ApiKey"]);
To create the SendEmail
service, we will need the ISendGridClient
implementation that we will have access via the constructor:
public class SendEmailService : ISendEmailService
private readonly ISendGridClient _sendGridClient;
public SendEmailService(ISendGridClient sendGridClient)
_sendGridClient = sendGridClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sendGridClient));
With this interface, we can then create the method that will be sending email when the requests arrives from the Blazor WebAssembly:
public async Task<bool> SendEmail(Contact contact)
SendGridMessage msg = new SendGridMessage();
EmailAddress from = new EmailAddress(contact.Email, contact.Name);
List<EmailAddress> recipients = new List<EmailAddress> { new EmailAddress("", "Your Name") };
msg.SetSubject("A new user has registered");
msg.PlainTextContent = contact.Message;
Response response = await _sendGridClient.SendEmailAsync(msg);
if (Convert.ToInt32(response.StatusCode) >= 400)
return false;
return true;
Blazor Layouts:
Blazor dependency injection
Call a web API from ASP.NET Core Blazor