Django EVM Indexer


Fast and scalable solution for off-chain indexers of events.
Unsophisticated to configure, easy to maintain.

Python version: 3.10
Django version: 4.2.1

Installation and run

Set up a local instance of the project

Clone this repository and start simple Python environment

python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Required envs to launch Django server are described in env.example. For better development experience there are Pycharm run configurations in pycharm-run folder. These configurations are already tunes to search for envs in .env file. For your development envs it is recommended to use .env filename. Copy template from env.example and then provide your own env values.

Set up postgres instance

Django EVM indexer uses Postgresql as database. You can either use Docker container with database or a local instance. Here I provide an example how to start a local instance of postgres using brew

# actually postgresql version doesn't matter, just provide some non-outdated one
brew install postgresql@14

brew services restart postgresql@14
psql template1
create database "django_evm_indexer";
create user django_evm_indexer with encrypted password 'your_password';
grant all privileges on database "django_evm_indexer" to django_evm_indexer;

# this one is only for tests execution
alter user django_evm_indexer createdb;

Create superuser

You can create a superuser to access your admin panel using either Create Superuser run configuration or


Note: make sure you have applied your envs in current terminal

Start Django server

You can start Django development server either with Django Server run configuration in PyCharm or

python runserver

Note: make sure you have applied your envs in current terminal

Start indexer in debug mode

There is a simple way to launch an indexer since all indexers are launched as docker containers within Django panel which is quite difficult to debug.
Firstly you need to create an Indexer in database, provide a Network, watched Tokens etc. Then you can run a debug instance of indexer using either Debug Indexer or

python indexer/

Note: make sure you have applied your envs in current terminal. There are envs which are related only to indexer, make sure you have provided them. You can even store all envs in one .env since Indexer instance needs Django Server envs + its own envs

Database migrations

For migrations, you can use either Makemigrations and Migrate run configurations in PyCharm or

python makemigrations
python migrate

Note: make sure you have applied your envs in current terminal


Every indexer is launched in Django Admin panel as a separate container using Docker SDK. It allows administrator to configure and control indexers inside the Admin panel.