- Alireza Khadem - arkhadem@umich.edu,
- Ashutosh Mishra - ashumich@umich.edu,
- Steven Schaefer - stschaef@umich.edu
- Sumanth Umesh - sumanthu@umich.edu
We are taking direction from To Pim or Not... by Devic et al.
TODO : Add more details
We first need to use Polly to detect the parallelism in the code. The commands to do this are in combined in Makefile
and run_polly.sh
First we need to emit LLVM IR from the C code, then this IR needs to be put into Polly canonical form. Once in the appropriate format, Polly should then be able to output some useful info about the code including dependencies, parallelism, etc. However, I have only been able to get empty output so far.