
This package contains the source code for my blog post about command line interface design in Haskell.

If you want to compile this example, first install stack. Then clone or download this repository and run stack run -- --help from inside. You should then find the help output for this command line interface

Usage: haskell-cli-example-exe [-m|--missingness NUMBER] [-v|--verbose] (--heterozygosity | --segregatingSites | --hardyWeinbergDev) (--genoFile FILE --snpFile FILE --indFile FILE | --vcfFile FILE) (--individualsFile FILE | --ind NAME) Hello, this is a toy example for how to design command line interfaces in Haskell

Available options: -m,--missingness NUMBER A missingness threshold (default: 0.5) -v,--verbose verbose output --heterozygosity compute the rate of heterozygosity for each individual --segregatingSites compute the rate of segregating sites for each individual --hardyWeinbergDev compute the average deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for each individual --genoFile FILE the input genotype file --snpFile FILE the input snp file --indFile FILE the input individual file --vcfFile FILE the input VCF file --individualsFile FILE list individuals in the file given --ind NAME list individuals directly on the command line. Option can be given multiple times, once for each individual -h,--help Show this help text