
Works like punto-switcher app. Helps when you type text in wrong keymap.

Primary LanguageVim script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3911

Plugin that works like punto-switcher application. (but not absolutely similar, well)
It helps you if you typed some text in wrong keymap.
Right now it supports only english and russian keymaps, but you can add your own keymap (You also can send it to me, and i&#039ll add it to next release)

Please NOTE: i tested it on Windows, in Vim 7.3.46, and all works fine in it. But i just get notified that in Linux, in Vim 7.3.353 only mappings ,re  and ,er  work correctly, and there's some issues with <F4> and <S-F4>. I'm trying to solve it.

There are some mappings provided by default.

In Insert and Normal modes the following mappings are available:

*) <F4> translates current word. If you press <F4> again, then previous word
   will be translated, and so on. Every <F4> keystroke gives you next word
   translated, until you press <F4> from another cursor position.
   Here&#039s example, say you just typed this: (\"|\" sign means cursor position) >
      I don&#039t like ГИБДД мукн ьгсрю|
   Then you think: \"oops\", press <F4> twice, and here&#039s what you get: >
      I don&#039t like ГИБДД very much.|

*) <S-F4> tries to autodetect what are you trying to translate. Basically, it 
   translates all the last text typed in one langmap. 

   Here&#039s example: (\"|\" sign means cursor position) >
      The quick brown fox огьзы щмук еру дфян вщпю|
   Then you press <S-F4>, and text becomes translated to >
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.|
   If you press <S-F4> again, it will toggle the last translation.


You are also able to select exactly what you need to translate and press one
of the following predefined mappings:

*) ,er   translates selected text en-ru
*) ,re   translates selected text ru-en


If you don&#039t like these predefined mappings for some reason, you can disable
it and specify your own ones, just like that: >

   " disable predefined mappings
   let g:pswitcher_no_default_key_mappings = 1
   " visual mode mappings
   vmap ,er <Plug>(pswitcher-selected-en-ru)
   vmap ,re <Plug>(pswitcher-selected-ru-en)

   " insert and normal mode mapping for last word translation
   imap <F4> <Plug>(pswitcher-input-word)
   map  <F4> <Plug>(pswitcher-word)

   " insert and normal mode mapping for auto text translation
   imap <S-F4> <Plug>(pswitcher-input-auto)
   map  <S-F4> <Plug>(pswitcher-auto)

That's it. Hope you like it.
Happy Vimming! 


P.S. you can read more detailed info about adding your own keymap here:  

:help pswitcher_two_main_maps