
Doesn't work with OpenCV 3

Patrickyp opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed the directions in your installation instructions and the library seems to be working well with the included OpenCV 2.4.9. I would like to make it work with OpenCV 3.X.X but when I try to replace the included OpenCV with OpenCV 3 I would get multiple errors:

error core.hpp header must be compiled as C++
error base.hpp header must be compiled as C++

It seems like they added #ifndef __cplusplus in core.hpp that forces C++ in OpenCV 3

Anyway I can get OpenCV 3 to work with this library?

How are you including OpenCV 3? I believe if you replace the the swix OpenCV framework with the framework found at it should work.t

(per title, I seem to remember converting to Swift 3 in #34 though it's documented or clear)