- adbaCurious
- alexsosnAgilent Technologies
- anatolinicolaethundersquared
- andrea9292Hanbit School for the Blind
- arpesentiLondon
- bfolberth
- billytoCopenhagen
- boardmainmassa carrara
- cocoa-chen
- ctavaNew York
- dankogai
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- duemunkKabell & Munk
- haginileNew York
- hath995ScreenMeet
- heracekfreelance iOS and Web developer
- hoyajigiLablup Inc.
- jfradjFreelance
- johan-sunShanghai
- jpmartinMontreal
- kevincobain2000Rakuten Group, Pre: GREE Inc.
- Lvaneeck
- mashkovmaxHealthJoy
- mgratzer@meisterlabs @topminds
- mrstoneCloudy Day
- mschingNetEase
- nickoneill@tailscale
- qinwenzhou
- qmchenrySmall Planet Digital
- RamirezMitch
- rcomcreativeR|com Studios, LLC
- seventhkevinPortland, OR
- stsievert
- Thodd00572SHOPMACHER
- thonglinhma
- tkersey@thisisartium