
My .emacs and various support bits and pieces

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Alex’s Emacs Configuration



This is my Emacs, there are many like it but this is my own. My emacs configuration is my best friend. It is my digital life. I must master it as I master my life. Without me this configuration is probably useless. Without my configuration I am certainly less effective.[fn:1]


I bootstrap this together with my dotfiles via a script sourced from the internet. You probably shouldn’t do that. This is mainly an amalgem of different hacks acquired over time crafted to my specific workflow. It is not intended to be a framework and it tends to break a lot as I am an inveterate tinkerer. However I have put it up on the internet because I find reading other people configurations useful and hopefully others will find this useful. I certainly don’t expect anyone else to use this as is.

Notes on dependencies

In the dark before times I had all sorts of conditional logic and spaghetti like dependencies. However the world of emacs has improved over the years and we now have things like use-package which make keeping configurations coherent a lot easier. Most individual packages are now configured in their own use-package stanzas. Some of the other libraries I use:

  • Mangnar Sven’s excellent dash list library
  • Jonas Bernoulli’s superlative git porcelien Magit
  • Jorgen Schäfer’s elpy Python environment
  • Justin Burkett’s super handy which-key prompt

And countless other dedicated hackers who have written and published numerous excellent packages available with the official Emacs and the wonderful Melpa package repository.

My extensions

I have written a few packages myself - some more actively maintained than others. These include:

  • Edit with Emacs, for editing textareas in your browser with Emacs
  • dired-rsync, trigger asynchronous rsync from dired-mode, useful for copying large files without hanging emacs


It has a cobbled heritage from various sites and wikis and it is probably safest to assume the code is all either GPL or Public Domain. Feel free to use whatever bits may be of use to you in these files that it is my right to license ;-)


[fn:1] apologies to Stanley Kubrick