
Joyent Triton (CloudAPI) Java SDK

Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Build Status

Triton Java SDK

java-triton is a community-maintained Java SDK for interacting with Joyent's Triton cloud provisioning interface - CloudAPI.

This project is under active development. We are targeting our first release to be 1.0.0 and all versions under 1.0.0 are considered beta builds. If you need functionality that is not provided, please file a github issue and it will be prioritized.



Using Maven

Add the latest java-manta dependency to your Maven pom.xml.



The intent of this project is to provide an easy to use interface to Triton via its REST API (CloudAPI). We intend to do this with the minimal amount of dependencies and maintain compatibility with Java 7 for the time being.

Ideally, the project is in a state where we can now start to add swaths of functionality using the patterns that have been established in the existing code.

For the current status of what is implemented from the CloudAPI, refer to the ROADMAP.md document.


The entry point to the SDK is via the class com.joyent.triton.CloudApi. This class takes an instance of com.joyent.triton.config.ConfigContext as a single parameter to its constructor. Any implementation of the ConfigContext interface will allow you to configure the SDK's parameters. For ease of use, we provide a number of different chainable configuration classes.

Class Description
ChainedConfigContext allows you to chain together multiple config contexts
DefaultsConfigContext default values for settings
EnvVarConfigContext configuration from environment variables
MapConfigContext configuration from a Map instance
StandardConfigContext configuration via a fluent interface
SystemSettingsConfigContext configuration from Java system properties

Defaults, Environment Variables and System Properties

Configuration parameters take precedence from left to right - values on the left are overridden by values on the right.

Default System Property Environment Variable
https://us-east-1.api.joyent.com:443 triton.url TRITON_URL, SDC_URL
$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa triton.key_id TRITON_KEY_ID, SDC_KEY_ID
triton.key_content TRITON_KEY_CONTENT
triton.password TRITON_PASSWORD
20000 triton.timeout TRITON_TIMEOUT
3 triton.retries TRITON_HTTP_RETRIES
24 triton.max_connections TRITON_MAX_CONNS
TLSv1.2 https.protocols TRITON_HTTPS_PROTOCOLS
<value too big - see code> https.cipherSuites TRITON_HTTPS_CIPHERS
false triton.no_auth TRITON_NO_AUTH
false triton.disable_native_sigs TRITON_NO_NATIVE_SIGS


The SDK utilizes slf4j, and logging can be configured using a SLF4J implementation.


You'll need a Triton login, an associated cryptographic key, and its corresponding key fingerprint. Note that this SDK currently only supports rsa ssh keys -- enterprising individuals wishing to use other keys can contribute to this repo by consulting the node-http-signing spec.

For detailed usage instructions, consult the provided javadoc.



Contributions welcome! Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md document for details on getting started.


Please refer to the release documentation.


See https://github.com/joyent/java-triton/issues.


Triton Java is licensed under the MPLv2. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for more details.