
Real-DOM imitator of React.createElement()

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Real-DOM dependencies-free imitator of React.createElement() designed to simplify creating HTMLElements from JavaScript code, when you for some reason don't want to use templates or frameworks.

It's not designed to work with real-time "canvas-like" redrawing (render everything each X ms), this may significally worse responsibility of active UI elements (like inputs).

How to use

Simply add <script> tag in your HTML.

createElement(CSS selector, options, children)

Similar with React.createElement syntax, but all child elements should be in array.

  • returns — HTMLElement;
  • CSS selectortag#id.className or component, empty tag defaults to div;
  • options[can be omited] map-like object with general HTMLElement fields. Special cases:
    • style — can be both string (then it will be applied as CSS-string), or object (then each property will be applied as JS-accesible field);
    • dataset — allows to set data-attributes on the element;
    • className — combined with retrieved from CSS selector, recommeded for dynamic classes;
    • id — takes priority over retrieved from CSS selector, recommeded for dynamic IDs;
    • _cast — can be function, which will be called with HTMLElement argument when it will be created;
    • _redraw — can be function, which will be called with rerender function argument, which accepts Notations or HTMLElement;
    • onX — events.
  • children[can be omited] array of HTMLElements or any primitive types to insert into created element;

Note 1: keep in mind, that you can't insert the same HTMLElement into multiple different places on the page. Unlike current master, this version does not perform copying and will just remove element from the previous place. Use Notation mode or Components;

Note 2: single child element can be inserted without array;

Note 3: generally speaking any type is acceptable as child element, but arrays are unacceptable, since they will be confused with Notation mode. Theoretically you can still use common JS objects, which are not HTMLElements or arrays, but you should avoid doing this;

Note 4: null or undefined in children array won't be rendered.

fillElement(container, children)

Part of createElement(), inserts all children elements into container HTMLElement.

  • returns — nothing;
  • container — HTMLElement in which children elements should be inserted;
  • children — see createElement definition.

Note: does not clear container, use clearElement() before if needed.


Clears container.

  • returns — nothing;
  • container — HTMLElement to be cleared from children.

wrapElement(element, container)

Inserts container in the place of element and puts element inside.

  • returns — nothing;
  • container — HTMLElement to be inserted instead of element;
  • element — HTMLElement to be inserted inside of container.

Notation mode

Initially designed to singifically reduce amount of code, allows code reusage. You may omit function word and pass not HTMLElement as in createElement(CSS selector, options, [childElement1, childElement2...]), but plain notation array [CSS selector, options, [childElement1, childElement2...]]. You can mix normal mode with Notation mode, when you need to store specific elements in variables, but it's discouraged, use _cast prop.

Consider two examples:

createElement('div', [
  createElement('h4', name),
  createElement('table.table', [
    areaTop = createElement('tbody')
  createElement('.toggle-box-container', [
    createElement('table.table', [
      areaHidden = createElement('tbody')
createElement('div', [
  ['h4', name],
  ['table.table', [
    ['tbody', { _cast: (e) => areaTop = e }]
  ['.toggle-box-container', [
    ['table.table', [
      ['tbody', { _cast: (e) => areaHidden = e }]


You can use functions accepting options and children parameters instead of CSS selectors. Can return either a HTML element or Notation.

Example of the component, which shows low-quality image preview and replaces it with full image once its loaded.

var PreloadableImage = function(props, children) {
  const { preloadSrc, _cast, _containerCast, onload, id, className, style, ...rest } = props;
  let redrawImage;
  let fullImage;

  const thumb = ['img', { src: props.preloadSrc, _redraw: (e) => redrawImage = e }];
  const full = ['img', {
    style: { display: 'none' },
    _cast: (e) => {
      _cast && _cast(e);
      fullImage = e
    onload: () => {
      onload && onload();
  return ['', { id, className, _cast: _contaierCast }, [thumb, full]];

createElement(ImageThumb, {
  className: 'spoiler',
  preloadSrc: image.preloadSrc,
  onload: image.onThumbLoad,
  _containerCast: (e) => image.thumbElement = e,