
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DataCore Bot

Discord / Reddit bot for Star Trek Timelines, using image recognition and OCR to parse behold / voyage screenshots as well as provide crew, items and dilemma information.

Help needed

If you want to see the bot improve or just want to practice some coding skills, please consider submitting a PR. If you don't have ideas for what to work on, pick from this list of known issues / TODOs:

  • Use Discord.Net commands instead of manually parsing input
  • Improve edge case recommendations (when all 3 crew are same tier, when one or two are FF, etc.)
  • Use Tesseract OCR on the Behold images to distinguish between crew states (Not owned vs. Frozen - needs to work on all supported languages like German, Spanish, etc.)
  • Improve "best" search (support for variable number of skills, etc.)
  • Improve fuzzy search (Levenshtein, etc.) to identify common misspells
  • Try to detect screenshots that include a Windows titlebar (Windows 10 app or Steam) and strip it out to improve recognition
  • Investigate / experiment with using different Feature Detector algorithms with different settings to get better accuracy for smaller descriptor matrix size (reduce RAM usage, increase perf)
  • Upgrade to .NET Core 3.0 once dependencies are available
  • Localization support
  • Add proper publish scripts / documentation, with optional Docker support (and sharding for better scaling)
  • More tests, comments and documentation



All dependencies should come via NuGet, no custom builds necessary.


This was tested on x64 Ubuntu 18.04.


See instructions here. Build opencv with OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE


[7/5] Building with OpenCV 4.3 from source

git clone https://github.com/shimat/opencvsharp.git

manually edit \opencvsharp\src\OpenCvSharpExtern\xfeatures2d.h and replace xfeatures2d::SIFT with SIFT

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Remove the runtime reference from the csproj here.

Tesseract OCR

Build and install Leptonica (this particular tag which is compatible with the NuGet library)

git clone https://github.com/DanBloomberg/leptonica.git
cd leptonica
git checkout 1.75.3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

Build and install Tesseract

git clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git
cd tesseract
git checkout 3.05
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Symlink the built libraries in your deployment location. For example:

cd datacore-behold/src/DataCore.CLI/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/x64
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libtesseract.so.3.0.5 libtesseract3052.so
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libleptonica.so.1.75.3 liblept1753.so


First, clone the repo to your machine; clone it in the same folder as the main DataCore repo for best default configration:

git clone https://github.com/TemporalAgent7/datacore-behold.git
cd datacore-behold

To install and build, go to the folder where you cloned the repo and run:

dotnet restore
dotnet build

To train crew descriptors:

cd src/DataCore.CLI
dotnet run train --noimages <path_to_datacore>


TODO More details


There are a few options that need to be set up for the bot to connect to Discord and/or Reddit in /src/DataCore.Daemon/appsettings.json ; specifically:

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: the discord application token
  • REDDIT_CLIENT_ID, REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET, REDDIT_REFRESH_TOKEN: authentication tokens for reddit; you can use the /src/DataCore.Daemon/prawtoken.py script to get these values for your reddit bot account.

Publish and deploy

You need to run the daemon, preferrably with an auto-restarting process monitor like PM2. Something like this will work (this runs the debug build by default, which is not what you want in a real deployment scenario):

dotnet build
cd src/DataCore.Daemon/
pm2 start "dotnet run" --name "DataCoreBot"


This code is released under the GPLv3 open source license. See the LICENSE file or this plain english TLDR for details.