# recfsusb2n for Linux OSes 2017-01-22, Ver. 0.1.13 ## What is this? * record TS data from uSUNpTV (ISDB-T/S TV Tuner), FSUSB2N (ISDB-T TV Tuner, NOT IMPLEMENTED) * monitor signal status, channel status ## System Requirements Linux-based OS usbdevfs (usbfs) with USB 2.0 ## Files src/ * source code files (gcc C99) Makefile{,.dep} *.{c,h} / readMe.txt doc.txt * instructions, usage, FAQ ## User Agreement USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, no warranty You can ... * use this package for any purposes. * redistribute a copy of this package without modifying. * modify this package. * redistribute the modified package. You should write the modification clearly. based on GPLv3 ## How to compile and build? I recommend the GCC C compiler. Please install "gcc". $ cd src run GNU "make" command. $ make * "make B25=1" if you use the STD-B25 interface library You will get a executable file "recfsusb2n". Check to see if it is working properly. Last, install to "/usr/local/bin/" directory. $ make install ## End (c) 2016 trinity19683 signed by "trinity19683.gpg-pub" 2015-12-13