
back end (api) of python prototype of sunny-65 camping weather app.

Primary LanguagePython

65 + Sunny

This app tells you where you go camping that has forecasted the weather you're looking for.

Getting Started

To clone locally, naviagate to your preferred directory, then:

git clone git@github.com:stuart-gill/sunny65.git

Create a config.py file in the root Sunny65 directory, and enter your google maps api key and openweather api key

GMAPS_API_KEY = "your-key"


If you want to access the database as it is being build or updated, I recommend DB Browser for SQLite. Download here:



If venv folder doesn't already exists, create virtual environment with

$virtualenv venv --python=python3.8.3

Then activate with

$source venv/bin/activate

Exit with



Make sure you have numpy installed and accessible for Python 3. Numpy is used to calculate distances with lat/long coordinates



If you want to rebuild the database file (data.db), run in command line:

(venv)$python create_tables.py

When it prompts you if you want to build databases, type 'y' and hit enter

To run the main program, run in command line:

(venv)$python app.py

Once your locations are found, you can check the map of campsites that's been built:

(venv)$open where.html

Digital Ocean

SSH into digital ocean with

ssh stuart@{digital ocean ip address}

{digital ocean ip address} is the IP address of the api. Type $sudo su to access superuser Login as user "stuart" /var/www/html/items-rest is directory that has our app in it Type $psql as user stuart to connect to Postgres database which is named "stuart" Type $\conninfo for info about the database Type $\q to quit the Postgres terminal vi /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf to modify Postgres login settings (login must be with MD5 password. Already did this. SQLAlchemy won't work without it). also using NGINX... communicates with UWSGI to allow multithreading Type $sudo ufw status : to get info about what's allowed through the firewall $systemctl status nginx : to get info about nginx $systemctl reload nginx : (or restart instead of reload. Reload is graceful restart. restart only when changing ports or interfaces) Nginx config file is at /etc/nginx/sites-available/items-rest.conf (must type cd /etc or whatever, ls from ~ won't show anything) This config also contains info about uwsgi stuff. This config file is linked (soft) to /sites-available The whole git repo is copied (cloned) into /var/www/html/items-rest We also use a venv and install everything from the requirements.txt file in the venv ENV variables about the uwsgi service are stored in this file: /etc/systemd/system/uwsgi_items_rest.service This file also includes the run command (called ExecStart), Restart=always, KillSignal=SIGQUIT, Type=notify, NotifyAccess=all (notification parameters).
This service is going to run uWSGI and uWSGI is going to run the Flask app. 5432 is the port Postgres typically runs on The Install part of this file allows us to start the service when the server boots up. The /var/www/html/items-rest/uwsgi.ini files are different between Heroku and Digital Ocean

The run.py file exists to make sure the database exists before we run the app.py file

socket.sock file is what allows communication between uwsgi file and NGINX

harakiri = 10000 is a long time (10000 seconds) before killing a process

To start the service, enter:

$sudo systemctl start uwsgi_items_rest

sudo systemctl reload nginx (to make it read config file) sudo systemctl restart nginx sudo systemctl start uwsgi_items_rest

POST /forecasts/all was running into a timeout issue (since open weather only allows 1 forecast a second)... fixed this with. Should change this to operate some other way so regular API requests time out normally

uwsgi_read_timeout 10000s; uwsgi_send_timeout 10000s;

inserted in location section of etc/nginx/sites-available/items-rest.conf. This replaced proxy_read_timeout 3600; proxy_send_timeout 3600; which are nginx configurations-- apparently nginx doesn't allow settings longer than 60 seconds

Set up domain sgill.dev through google domains, and DNS through cloudflare. Could also set up MX email routing with CloudFlare (haven't done that). Using strict SSL encryption and using cloudflare's own certificates, which are set in server config files.

Added ssh keys from cloudflare to /var/www/ssl in digital ocean

Changed "listen 80" to "listen 443 default_server" in items-rest.conf file, and add server_name sgill.dev, ssl on, ssl_certificate locations

Added this in items-rest.conf to fix CORS issue: "add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://kind-davinci-e84710.netlify.app/' always;"

Added a cronjob to run "update_weather.py" every day to get all fresh forecasts without using the POST /forecasts/all endpoint... should be able to delete that endpoint now. Cronjobs can be viewed by typing $cronjob -l in terminal and edited with $cronjob -e to edit.

Next up I should find a way to get travel_times without running one giant API call-- after doing that, I could get rid of the long Harikari timout and uwsgi timeouts

TODO: change CampsiteModel/find_distance_as_crow_flies method to calculate using a radius rather than max and min lat and long, which creates a square TODO: try using OpenRouteService distance matrix to get travel times from zipcode to campsites TODO: maybe add a google Place ID field to campsites location? would guarantee correct travel time info. check Geocoding API TODO: change front end to recenter on entered zipcode

Most Useful API endpoints

POST /forecasts/all

gets updated forecast for every campsite from open weather api, saves to db

POST /traveltimes/<zipcode> {"maximum_linear_distance": x}

gets travel times for all campsites within x distance of zipcode from google distance api, saves them to db

GET /traveltimes/<zipcode> {"willind_travel_time": x}

returns travel times for every campsite within x seconds of zipcode. Each travel time includes information about the campsite itself as well as 5 days forcast for that campsite

CRUD endpoints for zipcodes, campsites, forecasts, and travel times all exist, but are less commonly used.


  • Stuart Gill


This project is licensed under the MIT License