Credit Card Validation

An Erlang module for testing credit card numbers.

To run the tests use `make test`

To run the QuickCheck tests use `make quickcheck`

The main.escript either takes a list of credit card numbers as
arguments and outputs the results of the checks or if called with
no arguments, allows you to enter one or more numbers in the console
to be tested or pipe the output from another process to it.

The credit card module exports two functions:
    This takes the credit card number as a string and returns
    true or false depending on the number's validity.
    This takes the credit card number as a string and returns
    an atom describing the credit card's type.
    Possible values are: visa, mastercard, amex, discover and unknown.

You can also run a credit card validation server. The configuration
can be found in config/server_config.erl
To start the server use: `make server`
The default validation url is: http://localhost:8800/credit_card_validation_server:validate?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Where the param XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the credit card number to be validated.
You can change the host, port and path in the config file.