Hotel Room Booking Example

Api backend for a Hotel booking system (this was for a job interview that I didn't get).


  • Deluxe rooms can have 2 people in them


  • Hotels do not have any location data (e.g. Address, Post code)
  • Rooms are all labelled Room 101 - 106
  • Hotels have 6 rooms (based on seed data), for this example each hotel has 2 single rooms, 3 double rooms and 1 deluxe room
  • Bookings can only be for 1 room at a time
  • Bookings only capture the name of the person booking the room

Libraries used:

  • EF Core for querying / saving data to a SQL Server database
  • FluentValidation for validation of incoming requests
  • Mediatr library for enforcing message based architecture
  • Swashbuckle for swagger UI (I haven't documented each of the api's in-code)

Hosted on Azure using Managed Identity for the database connection. Available at

API Endpoints

Find a hotel based on it's name

GET /api/hotel?name={name}

Find available rooms between two dates for a given number of people

All hotels version

GET /api/rooms/availability?checkIn={checkInDate}&checkOut={checkOutDate}&partySize={partySize}

Hotel specific version

GET /api/rooms/{hotelId}/availability?checkIn={checkInDate}&checkOut={checkOutDate}&partySize={partySize}

Book room

POST /api/booking/{hotelId}

Body: {
   firstName: string,
   lastName: string,
   checkIn: date,
   checkOut: date,
   partySize: number,
   roomType: [Single, Double or Deluxe]

Find booking details based on booking ref number

GET /api/booking?bookingRef={bookingRef}

Populating database with just enough data for testing (creates test hotels) is achieved through API endpoint

POST /api/admin/seed

Resetting the database (deleting all data)

POST /api/admin/reset