STLOAuthClient = AFNetwork + OAuth 1.0a
What is this?
An OAuth 1.0a client using AFNetwork, ARC enabled.
Does it work?
It was tested against Twitter, Readability and Tumblr APIs.
I'm in a hurry (TL:DR mode), can you explain in 3 lines?
Add the AFNetwork and both files, call - setConsumerKey:secret:
and - setAccessToken:secret
to set the signing parameters and all calls after that will be signed. If you want a non-authenticated call, use either - unsignedRequestWithMethod:path:parameters:
or - setSignRequests(NO)
How can I install it?
Install AFNetwork and add the STLOAuthClient.m
and STLOAuthClient.h
Can I use CocoaPods to install it?
Not yet, I don't know how to make a pod.
Ok, now it is installed and compiles correctly, how to use it?
- The first thing to do is feeding a new object with the
(the values provided by the service), you can use- initWithBaseURL:consumerKey:secret:
(it is the designated initializer) or- setConsumerKey:secret:
; - Make a call using
- getPath:parameters:success:failure:
,- postPath:parameters:success:failure:
,- putPath:parameters:success:failure:
,- deletePath:parameters:success:failure:
or- requestWithMethod:path:parameters:
- There is a boolean property called
, allowing you to control when a request is signed or not, but you can also use- unsignedRequestWithMethod:path:parameters:
/- signedRequestWithMethod:path:parameters:
; - If you need to set the realm, there's a property called
. If you don't set it, it assumes the value ofbaseURL
Sure :
STLOAuthClient *client = [[STLOAuthClient alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
[client setConsumerKey:CONSUMER_KEY secret:CONSUMER_SECRET];
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
username, @"x_auth_username",
password, @"x_auth_password",
@"client_auth", @"x_auth_mode",
[client getPath:@"oauth/access_token/" parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
NSLog(@"SUccess %@", operation.responseString);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Failure, %@", error);
What the heck with the space after the '-'?
Hey, I like it, don't change it.
Thanks (and extra licenses)
There are some functions / methods based on 3rd party code :
— Created by Scott James Remnant on 6/1/11.NSString+URLEncode.h
— Created by Scott James Remnant on 6/1/11.AFOAuth2Client.m
— Copyright (c) 2011 Mattt Thompson (