
Tiny Chrome extension to block half of subresource requests at random, for testing whether sites work in those conditions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

An immensely noddy Chrome extension which blocks half of all subrequests at random.

The idea here is to test whether a page is still usable and still makes sense if it doesn't get its CSS or JS loaded. So, with this extension installed, every time a page requests some subresource, the machine flips a coin and if it comes down tails, blocks that request.

Note that this means that refreshing a page likely will cause it to fail to fetch a different set of subresources, so you can just hit refresh a few times to see differing effects.

Doesn't have any configuration or anything since it was built as a little experiment by Stuart, and you'll need to install it as an unpacked folder (or package it yourself if you like), but the results are interesting.