
Debian packaging for Node.js projects

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Debian packaging for Node.js projects written 100% in bash.



npm install node-deb


git clone ${url} && cd node-deb && npm run node-deb && sudo dpkg -i $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.deb' | tail -n 1)


You do not need to add anything to package.json as it uses sane defaults. However, if you don't like these, there are two options for overrides: command line options, or the JSON object node_deb at the top level of your package.json.

By default, if any of the following files exist, the will be included in the Debian package: package.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json, and node_modules/. To maintain some amount of compatibility between releases, if these files are not included in the command line arguments, a warning is issued alerting the user that they were included anyway.

For example, here are some sample node_deb overrides. The full list can be found by running node-deb --list-json-overrides.

  "name": "some-app",
  "node_deb": {
    "init": "systemd",
    "version": "1.2.3-beta",
    "start_command": "/usr/bin/node foo.js"

Command line options always override values found in the node_deb object, and values found in the node_deb object always override the values found in the rest of package.json.


Ex. 1


  "name": "some-app",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "/usr/bin/node app.js arg1 arg2 arg3"

cmd: node-deb -- app.js lib/ package.json

You will get:

  • A Debian package named some-app_1.2.3_all.deb
    • Containing the files app.js & package.json and the directory lib
    • Installed via
      • apt-get install some-app
      • apt-get install some-app=1.2.3

On install, you will get.

  • An executable named some-app
    • That starts the app with the command /usr/bin/node app.js arg1 arg2 arg3
  • An upstart init script installed to /etc/init/some-app.conf
  • A systemd unit file installed to /etc/systemd/system/some-app.service
  • A Unix user some-app
  • A Unix group some-app

Ex. 2


  "name": "some-other-app",
  "version": "5.0.2",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node --harmony index.js"

cmd: node-deb -u foo -g bar -v 20150826 -- index.js lib/ package.json node_modules

You will get:

  • A Debian package named some-other-app_20150826_all.deb
    • Containing the files index.js & package.json and the directories lib & node_modules
    • Installed via
      • apt-get install some-other-app
      • apt-get install some-other-app=20150826

On install, you will get.

  • An executable named some-other-app
    • That starts the app with the command node --harmony index.js
  • An upstart init script installed to /etc/init/some-other-app.conf
  • A systemd unit file installed to /etc/systemd/system/some-other-app.service
  • A Unix user foo
  • A Unix group bar


node-deb can Debian-package itself. Just run ./node-deb -- node-deb templates/ package.json.

More complete examples can be found by looking at test.sh and the corresponding projects in the test directory.


  • dpkg
  • fakeroot
  • jq

These are all available through apt and brew.


Please make all pull requests to the develop branch.