
Primary LanguagePython

Slivka Documentation

Slivka is a server application for Python intended for easy and flexible configuration of REST API for various web services. The server is based on Flask microframework and SQLAlchemy. The scheduler uses native Python queuing mechanism and sqlite database. More information can be found in the documentation.

Installation and requirements

Installation requires Python 3.3+ (recommended version 3.5). Additional requirements, which will be downloaded and installed automatically, are:

  • click (6.6)
  • Flask (0.11.1)
  • itsdangerous (0.24)
  • Jinja2 (2.8)
  • jsonschema (2.5.1)
  • MarkupSafe (0.23)
  • PyYAML (3.11)
  • SQLAlchemy (1.0.13)
  • Werkzeug (0.11.10)

It's recommended to install Slivka inside a virtual environment. Get virtualenv with pip install virtualenv (on some Linux distributions you may need to install apt-get install python-virtualenv). Run virtualenv env, wait for it to create a new environment in env directory and activate using source env/bin/activate on Unix/OS X or env\Scripts\activate.bat on Windows. More information about the package can be found in virtualenv documentation.

To install Slivka download Slivka zip or tar archive and run pip install Slivka-<version>.zip. Setuptools and all requirements will be downloaded if not present, so internet connection is required during the installation.

Setting up the project

Navigate to the folder where you want to create your project and run:

slivka-setup <name>

It will create a new folder <name> and upload three core files to it: settings.yml, manage.py and configurations/services.ini. You usually need to modify only the last one. Slivka will also include sample service and its configuration.

manage.py:a main executable script which configures Slivka and runs its components.
settings.yml:a yaml file containing project constants.
services.ini:manages services execution and points to configuration files

Configuring settings

settings.yml is a yaml file which provides all runtime constants. The data is represented as key-value pairs using yaml format. The following fields are required for proper operation:


Must point to the location of the project folder (relative to the manage.py script or absolute path). It defines the path which all other paths are relative to. It defaults to the current working directory.

BASE_DIR: <path-to-projet-directory>

Relative paths should be avoided as they start at current work directory which may be different for each run. It's recommended to leave it unchanged.


BASE_DIR: /var/slivka
# /var/slivka (Unix)
# C:\var\slivka (Windows)

BASE_DIR: /home/user/slivka/
# /home/user/slivka (Unix)
# C:\home\user\slivka (Windows)

BASE_DIR: C:\\Windows\\system32
# C:\Windows\system32 (Windows)
# (some nasty output on Linux)

A string of characters used for signatures. Changing this key will invalidate all identifier signatures. Please keep this key secret and random.

The key can be set to either bytes or unicode characters.

SECRET_KEY : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Directory where all files uploaded by users and produced by services are stored. It can be either an absolute path or path relative to the BASE_DIR.


A folder where execution work directories will be created. Can be either an absolute path or path relative to the BASE_DIR.


Path to services.ini file, absolute or relative to BASE_DIR.


Path to directory where log files will be stored. Can be either absolute or relative to BASE__DIR.


Address where the local queue is listening on. It's highly recommended to use localhost, as accepting connection from outside may be a security risk.


Port which local queue is listening to new connections on. It must not collide with any commonly used ports and must be less than 65535. It's recommended to pick value between 1000 and 10000.


Address at which the server accepts connections. You should use your broadcast address or "" to accept all connections.


Port used for listening to REST requests. You might use one of the common HTTP ports e.g. 8000, 8080 or 8888


Flag indicating whether debug mode should be enabled. Debug mode should not be used in production.

Configuring services

A general service configuration is contained in the configurations/services.ini file. Sections are names enclosed in the square brackets. Key-value pars are separated with a colon. The [DEFAULT] section is ignored by the application and can be used to define constants i.e. project directory. These constants can be referred later using %(key)s placeholder.

Example: address field in

host = example.com
port = 80
address = %(host)s:%(port)s

will be evaluated to example.com:80

Each section (except [DEFAULT]) corresponds to one service configuration and must contain two keys:

config:The path to the command definition file described in the section Command description.
form:The path to user form definition file descriped in the section Form description.

A sample configuration section of service Lorem having two files LoremConfig.yml and LoremForm.yml respectively could be:

root_path: /home/slivka/my-project

config: %(root_path)s/config/LoremConfig.yml
formL %(root_path)/config/LoremForm.yml

Form description

Form description file specified what fields are presented to the front end user and what values are expected. File should contain a json or yaml object whose keys are fields names and values are detailed specifications of the fields. Field specification object has three fields:

Human readable name of the field (required)
Detailed description of the fields or help text (optional)
Value object description of accepted values (required)
  "input": {
    "label": "Input file",
    "description": "Json or Yaml file containing data to be parsed",
    "value": {
      "type": "file",
      "maxSize": "2KB",
      "required": true
  "format": {
    "label": "File format",
    "value": {
      "type": "choice",
      "choices": {
        "JSON": "json",
        "YAML": "yaml",
        "other": "other"
      "required": false,
      "default": "json"

Value object

Each value object regardless of its type have three properties: type, required, default. First, type, is required and can take one of the following values: int, float, text, boolean, choice or file. Second, required, is required and specifies whether the value must be specified for the form to be valid. Third, default, is optional and its value should match type of the field. It's the default value of the field if user won't choose anything. Note that specifying default value makes the field not required as default is user for no input.

All other properties are optional and they are specific for different types.

min : (int)

Inclusive minimum value, unbound if not present

max : (int)

Inclusive maximum value, unbound if not present

  "required": true,
  "type": "int",
  "min": 0,
  "max": 10,
  "default": 5
min : (float)

Minimum value, unbound if not present

max : (float)

Maximum value, unbound if not present

minExclusive : (boolean)

Is minimum exclusive?

maxExclusive : (boolean)

Is maximum exclusive?

  "type": "float",
  "min": -4.0,
  "minExclusive": false,
  "max": 4.5,
  "maxExlusive": true,
  "default": 0
minLength : (int)

Minimum length of the text, minimum 0.

maxLength : (int)

Maximum length of the text, minimum 0.

  "type": "text",
  "minLength": 1,
  "maxLength": 8

Boolean field evaluates to true for each value except "false", "0", "null", "no"; otherwise, it becomes None

  "type": "boolean",
  "default": false

In choice field only one of the available choices can be selected.

choices : (object)

Choices are defined as an object where property key is option name and the value is choice value. When the choice is selected, it's value is passed to the parameter.

  "type": "choice",
  "choices": {
    "Alpha": "--alpha",
    "Beta": "--beta",
    "Gamma": "--gamma"
  "default": "Alpha"
mimetype : (string)

Accepted mime type of the file.

extension : (string)

Accepted file extensions (without leading dot)

maxSize : (string)

Maximum file size represented as a number and units e.g. 5B, 2GB. Number must be an integer and allowed units are: B, KB, MB, GB or TB.

  "type": "file",
  "mimetype": "text/plain",
  "extension": "md",
  "maxSize": "10KB"

Command description

Command description files tell the application how to communicate with the script and how to submit it to the queue. The file should be written using either YAML or JSON syntax and should follow structure described below.

The root object must have the following properties: options which is the list of Option objects, result which is the list of Result objects, configurations which is the map of configuration names and parameters described in Configurations and limits which specifies the importable Python class providing configuration selection.

Option objects

Each option object must have properties ref and param. Optionally you may add val if you want to use default value.

ref:Corresponding field name in the form definition file. The value of the form field with this name will be used for this option.
param:Template of the command option. Field value will be replaced for ${value} placeholder. i.e. --in ${value}, -a=${value}. ${value} is not required and, if not given, the option will be independent of the field value.
val:Value used if corresponding field in the form is not found or evaluates to None. Useful when you need to specify constants such as output file flag.


  "options": [
      "ref": "message",
      "param": "-m $value"
      "ref": "format",
      "param": "--format=$value"
      "ref": "output",
      "param": "-o $value",
      "val": "output_file.o"

Result objects

Result objects describe possible outputs of the command execution. Each output object should have type property which takes one of the values: result, error or log which indicates whether the output should be interpreted as computation result, error message or log, respectively. method property defines how the output can be retrieved. The only allowed value is file which indicates that the content is stored in the file. If the output method is set to file, exactly one of the following properties must be provided

path:A path to the output file relative to the current working directory.
pattern:Regular expression used to match output files. May be used to specify the folder with output files or data split between multiple files.

Note, path should be used if file must be provided by the service. If command returns and this file is not present, job is considered as failed. pattern should be used for multiple files and optional files when zero or more files are expected. These paths are evaluated lazily after the job is finished and match as many files as is present at that time.

Example of the list of outputs:

  "result": [
      "type": "result",
      "method": "file",
      "pattern": "/build/.+\\.o"
      "type": "result",
      "method": "file",
      "path": "file.out"
      "type": "error",
      "method": "file",
      "pattern": "error\\.log"
      "type": "log",
      "method": "file",
      "path": "output.log"


Each configuration describes how the command will be dispatched to the queue. It can be either local queue or Sun Grid Engine accessible on the machine. Each key in the configuration object represents configuration name which can be referenced in the limits module.

Values should be objects with following properties:

execClass:Class of the executor used to start the job with given configuration. Available values are LocalExec for local queue manager provided with Slivka, ShellExec which simply spawns a new process (only recommended for very short jobs which takes milliseconds to complete) and GridEngineExec which sends the job to Sun Grid Engine.
bin:Command or path to executable binary which will be executed with the queue. Command is passed as it is to the shell, so keep correct escaping and quotation.
queueArgs:List of arguments passed directly to the queue command. It's optional and is applicable to several execution environments only.


  "configurations": {
    "local": {
      "execClass": "LocalExec",
      "bin": "python \"/var/slivka-project/binaries/pydummy.py\""
    "cluster": {
      "execClass": "GridEngineExec",
      "bin": "/var/slivka-project/binaries/pydummy.py",
      "queueArgs": [


Path to Python class which performs selection of the configuration based on command parameters. It has to be a valid Python import path (packages separated with dots) accessible to the application. Folder containing Python module and its parent folders must contain an empty __init__.py file to be Python packages. More details on limits classes in the Limits class section.

Limits class

In your project configuration you may create one of more Python modules containing limit classes. Each class should contain methods which allows to pick one configuration when given values passed to the form.

Limits class must extend slivka.scheduler.executors.JobLimits class and define one class attribute configurations containing the list of configuration names. For each configuration you should specify a method limit_<configuration> which accepts one argument - dictionary containing form values. Each of the methods should return True or False depending on whether for given form values this configuration should be selected. Limits are evaluated in the order specified in the configurations list and first one which returns True is picked. You may also need to define setup method for expensive operations. setup is called before all limit methods and can be used to prepare some variables beforehand and store them as attributes of self.

Let's look at the example of dummy json/yaml reader.

import os

from slivka.scheduler.executors import JobLimits

class MyLimits(JobLimits):

    configurations = ['first_conf', 'second_conf']

    def setup(self, values):
        input_file = values['input']
        statinfo = os.stat(input_file)
        self.input_file_size = statinfo.st_size

    def limit_first_conf(self, values):
        if values['format'] == 'json' and self.input_file_size < 100:
            return True
        if values['format'] == 'yaml' and self.input_file_size < 20:
            return True
        return False

    def limit_second_conf(self, values):
        if self.input_file_size < 1000:
            return True
            return False

First, inside setup method, it retrieves input file path, checks its size in bytes and stores the value in the input_file_size property. Next, it checks criteria for first configuration which are: less than 100B json file or less than 20B yaml file. If they are not met, refuse to use this configuration and jump to the next in the list. Second configuration, on the other hand, is executed if the file size does not exceed 1000B. Otherwise, scheduler refuses to start the job.

Field values can be obtained from the method argument using field name as a dictionary key. All values are strings in the format as they are entered in the shell command and may require conversion to other types.

Running the app

Slivka consists of two core parts: rest http server and job scheduler. Separation allows them to run independently of each other. In case when the scheduler is down, server keeps collection requests and stash them, so when the scheduler is working again it can catch up with the server. Each component is launched using manage.py script with additional arguments.

Additionally, you can use simple task queue added to Slivka to run tasks on the local machine without additional software installed.

To launch the project, you need to create a database file with a schema by executing

python manage.py initdb

It will create an sqlite.db file in the current working directory and automatically create all required tables.

In order to delete the database, you may call

python manage.py dropdb

or remove it manually fom the file system.

Next, you need to launch REST server and scheduler processes. Server can be started with

python manage.py server

Then, you can start the scheduler process with

python manage.py scheduler

If you decided to use local queue to process jobs, you can run it with

python manage.py worker

To stop any of these processes, send the INTERRUPT signal to it to close it gracefully.