
Emacs config

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


My Emacs configuration. It rocks.


There are many ways to install Emacs. I use homebrew.


Emacs config is loaded from ~/.emacs.d

The entrypoint to Emacs config is the Emacs Initialization File init.el.

In my init.el I load all my libraries from each of the ~/.emacs.d/customizations/stu-* files.

Emacs configuration is simply a collection of functions and variables.

If you want to understand what's going on, read through the init.el and then each of the customizations/stu-*.el files. It's easy to understand if you can read Clojure.

Packages Stu Loves:

There are thousands of great Emacs packages. These are the few that I use. I'll try and keep this list up to date as best I can.

  • projectile - a library for managing projects.
  • ivy - Made up of three packages - ivy, swiper and counsel. When active, ivy-mode completes the selection process by narrowing available choices while previewing in the minibuffer. Alternative packages are helm and ido. I like ivy the most.
  • counsel-projectile - Projectile has native support for ivy. counsel-projectile provides further integration by taking advantage of ivy's support for selecting from a list of actions and applying the action without leaving the session.
  • company-mode - A text completion framework for completion at point, meaning completion in ordinary buffers.
  • clojure-mode - An Emacs major mode that provides font-lock (syntax highlighting), indentation, navigation and refactoring support for the Clojure(Script) programming language. There is a section dedicated to it below.
  • CIDER - CIDER extends Emacs with support for interactive programming in Clojure. There is a section dedicated to it below.
  • clj-refactor - clj-refactor provides powerful refactoring functionality for Clojure projects. It complements the refactoring functionality you'd find in clojure-mode and CIDER. There is a section dedicated to it below.
  • magit - The very best way to work with git. I love this package.
  • markdown-mode - A major mode for editing markdown files. So good.
  • crux - crux bundles many useful interactive commands to enhance your overall Emacs experience.
  • doom-themes - amazing collection of themes. I'm currenctly using doom-vibrant.

I also use these small packages for various things:

  • ag - An Emacs frontend to The Silver Searcher. I use it for global search in a project (counsel-projectile-ag). It's insanely fast.
  • avy - for jumping to visible text using a char based decision tree.
  • aggressive-indent-mode - Always keep your code indented.
  • idle-highlight-mode - Simple symbol highlighting.
  • exec-path-from-shell - Library to ensure environment variables inside Emacs look the same as in the user's shell.
  • paredit - Necessary for doing any kind of work with lisps. I set it to be used in clojure mode and in the REPL.
  • rainbow-delimiters - Highlight delimeters () {} [] according to their depth.
  • super-save - auto save buffers when certain things happen (like switching between buffers). Replaces the standard auto-save-mode.
  • focus - Dim surrounding text. I'm experimenting with this. I like it so far.
  • zprint-mode - I use zprint for pretty printing Clojure code. This package allows me to pretty print with zprint with the buffer.
  • doom-modeline - A fancy, fast modeline designed for minimalism.


  • JetBrains Mono - I'm currently using this. Arguably the best font for programming.
  • FiraCode - Another excellent font.

Both these fonts provide ligatures if that's your thing.

Some pointers to get up to speed quickly

Control Keys

When you see M-<key> it means to press the Meta key. On my Mac Meta is the ⌥ key.

When you see C-<key> it means to press the Ctrl key.

When you see s-<key> it means to press the Super key. On my Mac Super is the ⌘ key.


Emacs has a build in manual C-h C-h for the function help-for-help, but I don't find it that useful.

These keybindings are more useful:

  • C-h f for the function counsel-describe-function, which overrides the default describe-function which will show the documentation for a specific Emacs or package function.
  • C-h v for the function counsel-describe-variable, which overrides the default describe-variable which will show the documentation for a specific Emacs or package variable.
  • C-h k for the function counsel-describe-key which will prompt you for a key combination, then will show you the documentation of the function for that combination.
  • C-h w for the function where-is which will show you keybindings for a given function.


It's often useful to work with multiple windows. These are the official docs. I tend to only use these commands:

  • C-x 2 for split-window-below to split horizontally.
  • C-x 3 for split-window-right to split vertically.
  • C-x 1 for delete-other-windows to close all other windows.
  • C-x 0 for delete-window to close the current window.

I have also setup C-; as a custom binding for prev-window for quickly jumping between windows.

Keybindings I use all the time


  • M-> bound to end-of-buffer to move to end of buffer.
  • M-< bound to beginning-of-buffer to move to start of buffer.
  • C-x C-c bound to save-buffers-kill-terminal to save and quit Emacs.
  • C-a C-SPC with C-n or C-p to mark lines up and down.
  • C-x h to select entire buffer then M-x write-file to save as a new file.
  • M-x revert-buffer to revert the buffer to it's last save.
  • M-p to move the line up. See stu-bindings.el. Not bound in markdown-mode.
  • M-n to move the line down. See stu-bindings.el. Not bound in markdown-mode.
  • C-; bound to prev-window to jump to the previous window.
  • C-. to comment a line.
  • M-j bound to previous-buffer to show the previous buffer in the window.
  • M-k bound to next-buffer to show the next buffer in the window.


Avy is used for jumping around the visible screen.

C-' bound to avy-goto-char-timer which will start avy. Use the character prompts to narrow down your selection.

You can also use prefix commands to do things.

As an example, to kill this line (with this X) you would type the combination C-' then K then whatever keys avy is prompting your selection of the X.

These are the other prefix commands:

  • <space> - mark to char
  • k : kill stay
  • K : kill whole line
  • y : yank
  • w : copy
  • W : copy whole line
  • Y : yank whole line
  • t : teleport
  • T : teleport whole linenn



  • C-s bound to swiper-isearch to search in the current buffer.
  • M-x bound to counsel-M-x which overrides M-x and is used to search all functions.
  • C-x C-f bound to counsel-find-file for finding files.
  • M-y bound to counsel-yank-pop which will show a minibuffer list of your recent kills that can be yanked
  • C-x b bound to ivy-switch-buffer to select a buffer to swith to.
  • C-c v bound to ivy-push-view to name the current view and push it to the view list
  • C-c V bound to ivy-pop-view which will let you choose a previously pushed view.
  • C-c s bound to counsel-ag which will search for a string in a root directory.
  • C-c C-r bound to ivy-resume which will resume the last completion session. This is nice.


Projectile manages projects. The manual is good so read it.

Projectile and Counsel play nicely through the counsel-projectile package, which basically overloads all the default projectile functions.

Each of these options has further options. If you want to see those options use M-o after you have triggered any of these:

  • C-c p p bound to counsel-projectile-switch-project to switch between known projects.
  • C-c p f bound to counsel-projectile-find-file to find a project file.
  • C-c p g bound to counsel-projectile-find-file-dwim to find a project file using completion based on context.
  • C-c p d bound to counsel-projectile-find-dir to find a project directory.
  • C-c p b bound to counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer to switch to a project buffer.
  • C-c p s s bound to counsel-projectile-ag to search the project files using ag. Very useful.


The docs are ok, worth reading once. I find the built-in command list better.

  • C-c C-h bound to TDB show all the markdown commands.
  • C-c C-s is the styling prefix. b for bold, i for italic etc. Check the menu in the minubuffer for more options.
  • C-c C-l bound to markdown-insert-link to insert a link.
  • C-c C-i bound to markdown-insert-image to insert an image.
  • C-c C-t is the header prefix. 1, 2, 3, etc for the different headers.

There are many more commands. Read the docs.




Pretty much everything is configurable. To see a list of available configuration options do M-x customize-group RET clojure.

clojure-mode can handle indentation and alignment. I'm using zprint for pretty printing and formatting so I don't worry too much about this configuration.

clojure-mode also provides refactoring support. The docs prvide examples.

It's worth checking out the related packages section of the docs.


CIDER (Clojure(Script) Interactive Development Environment that Rocks!)


The main reason for doing Clojure develoment on Emacs.

CIDER provides alot of great features. The main feature is being able to connect and interact with a running nREPL.

There are many ways to interact with a REPL in CIDER. The two main ones are:

  • cider-jack-in which start an nREPL using your projects configuration and will inject the necessary middleware.
  • cider-connect-clj which will connect to an existing nREPL server. The middle must be already configured.

The instructions for setting up the middleware is here.

CIDER has many configuration options.

You can configure project specific configuration.

If you are running your nREPL in a Docker container, add this to your project .dir-locals.el to map the directories correctly for CIDER. If you don't do this you will not be able to find symbol definitions and move around easily.

  (cider-path-translations . (("/root/.m2" . "/Users/stuartrexking/.m2")
                              ("/root/code/" . "/Users/stuartrexking/Workspace/shopdeft/deft"))))
  ;; a list of connection endpoints, each endpoint is a list
  (cider-known-endpoints . (("deft" "localhost" "7888")))))

Checkout all the things you can do with CIDER once you are connected.



clj-refactor provides powerful refactoring functionality for Clojure projects.

The important thing to understand is how the middleware is configured and enables clj-refactor.

To use clj-refactor you must be connected to a REPL.

My clj-refactor keybinding is C-c C-,

See the wiki for a list of refactorings.