
Repository for covering appstudio by e2e tests.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Red Hat AppStudio E2E Tests and Testing Framework

Testing framework and E2E tests are written in Go using Ginkgo and Gomega frameworks to cover Red Hat AppStudio. It is recommended to install AppStudio in E2E mode, but the E2E suite can be also usable in development and preview modes.


  • Instrumented tests with Ginkgo 2.0 framework. You can find more information in Ginkgo documentation.
  • Uses client-go to connect to OpenShift Cluster.
  • Ability to run the E2E tests everywhere: locally(CRC/OpenShift local), OpenShift Cluster, OSD...
  • Writes tests results in JUnit XML/JSON file to a custom directory by using --ginkgo.junit(or json)-report flag.
  • Ability to run the test suites separately.

Running the tests

When you want to run the E2E tests for AppStudio you need to have installed tools(in Requirements chapter), installed the AppStudio in E2E mode and compiled e2e-appstudio binary.


Requirements for installing AppStudio in E2E mode and running the E2E tests:

  • An OpenShift 4.11 or higher Environment (If you are using CRC/OpenShift Local please also review optional-codeready-containers-post-bootstrap-configuration)
  • A machine from which to run the install (usually your laptop) with required tools:
    • A properly setup Go workspace using Go 1.19 is required
    • The OpenShift Command Line Tool (oc) Use the version coresponding to the Openshift version
    • yq
    • jq
    • git
    • helm
  • Tokens
    • Github Token with the following permissions
      • repo
      • delete_repo
    • Valid quay token where to push AppStudio components images generated by the e2e framework

Install AppStudio in E2E mode

Before executing the e2e suites you need to have deployed AppStudio in E2E Mode to your cluster.

  1. Before deploying AppStudio in E2E mode you need to login to your OpenShift cluster with OpenShift Command Line Tool as admin (by default kubeadmin):

     oc login -u <user> -p <password> --server=<oc_api_url>
  2. Export required (and recommended) environment variables (i.e. export ENV_VAR_NAME=value ENV_VAR2_NAME=value) from the table below.

The following environment variables are used to launch the Red Hat AppStudio installation in E2E mode and the tests execution (tokens are also used for running the tests):

Variable Required Explanation Default Value
GITHUB_TOKEN yes A github token used to create AppStudio applications in github ''
QUAY_TOKEN yes A quay token to push components images to quay.io. Note the quay token must be your dockerconfigjson encoded in base64 format. Example: export QUAY_TOKEN=$(base64 < ~/.docker/config.json) ''
DEFAULT_QUAY_ORG yes A quay organization where repositories for component images will be created 'redhat-appstudio-qe'
DEFAULT_QUAY_ORG_TOKEN yes A quay token of OAuth application for DEFAULT_QUAY_ORG with scopes - Administer organizations, Adminster repositories, Create Repositories ''
MY_GITHUB_ORG no (recommended) GitHub organization (must be organization, cannot use regular GitHub account!) where to create/push Red Hat AppStudio Applications. You can create your GitHub organization for free redhat-appstudio-qe
QUAY_E2E_ORGANIZATION no (recommended) Quay organization/account where to push components containers. It is recommended to create your own account redhat-appstudio-qe
E2E_APPLICATIONS_NAMESPACE no Name of the namespace used for running HAS E2E tests appstudio-e2e-test
PRIVATE_DEVFILE_SAMPLE no The name of the private git repository used in HAS E2E tests. Your GITHUB_TOKEN should be able to read from it. https://github.com/redhat-appstudio-qe/private-quarkus-devfile-sample
QUAY_OAUTH_USER no A valid quay robot account username to make quay oauth ''
QUAY_OAUTH_TOKEN no A valid quay quay robot account token to make oauth against quay.io. ''
DOCKER_IO_AUTH no A valid docker.io token to avoid pull limits in the format: username:access_token, eg. export DOCKER_IO_AUTH=susdas:43228532-b374-11ec-989b-98fa9b70b97d ''
INFRA_DEPLOYMENTS_ORG no A specific github organization from where to download infra-deployments repository redhat-appstudio
INFRA_DEPLOYMENTS_BRANCH no A valid infra-deployments branch. main
E2E_TEST_SUITE_LABEL no Run only test suites with the given Giknkgo label ''
KLOG_VERBOSITY no Level of verbosity for klog 1
IMAGE_TAG_EXPIRATION no Expiration for tags created by pull-request pipelineruns, format: digits + h (hours), d (days) or w (weeks), e. g. 5d 6h
  1. Install dependencies:
# Install dependencies
$ go mod tidy
# or go mod tidy -compat=1.19
# Copy the dependencies to vendor folder
$ go mod vendor
  1. Install Red Hat AppStudio in e2e mode. By default the installation script will use the redhat-appstudio-qe GitHub organization for pushing changes to infra-deployments repository.

It is recommended to use your fork of infra-deployments repo in your GitHub org instead - you can change the GitHub organization with environment variable export MY_GITHUB_ORG=<name-of-your-github-org>.

   make local/cluster/prepare

More information about how to deploy Red Hat AppStudio are in the infra-deployments repository.

Building and running the e2e tests

You can use the following make target to build and run the tests:

   make local/test/e2e

Or build and run the tests without scripts:

  1. Install dependencies and build the tests:

    # Install dependencies
    $ go mod tidy
    # Copy the dependencies to vendor folder
    $ go mod vendor
    # Create `e2e-appstudio` binary in bin folder. Please add the binary to the path or just execute `./bin/e2e-appstudio`
    $ make build
  2. Run the e2e tests: The e2e-appstudio command is the root command that executes all test functionality. To obtain all available flags for the binary please use --help flags. All ginkgo flags and go tests are available in e2e-appstudio binary.

Some tests could require you to have specific container image repo's created (if you're using your own container image org/user account (QUAY_E2E_ORGANIZATION) or your own GitHub organization (MY_GITHUB_ORG) In that case, before you run the test, make sure you have created

The instructions for every test suite can be found in the tests folder, e.g. has Readme.md. You can also specify which tests you want to run using labels or Ginkgo Focus.

Red Hat AppStudio Load Tests

Load tests for AppStudio are also in this repository. More information about load tests are in LoadTests.md.

Running Red Hat AppStudio Tests in OpenShift CI

Overview for OpenShift CI and AppStudio E2E tests is in OpenshiftCI.md. How to install E2E binary is in Installation.md.

Develop new tests

The current structure of how tests are stored in this repo are as follows:

  • The equivalent of Ginkgo Suites, *_suite_test.go, reside in the cmd/ directory
  • The equivalent of Ginkgo Tests, *_test.go, reside in the tests/ directory

We've provided some tooling to generate test suite packages and test spec files to get you up and running a little faster:

      make local/template/generate-test-spec
      make local/template/generate-test-suite

For more information refer to Generate Tests.


  • Make sure you've implemented any required controller functionality that is required for your tests within the following files
    • pkg/utils/<new controller directory> - net new controller logic for a new service or component
    • pkg/framework/framework.go - import the new controller and update the Framework struct to be able to initialize the new controller
  • Every test package should be imported to cmd/e2e_test.go, e.g. has.
  • Every new test should have correct labels.
  • Every test should have meaningful description with JIRA/GitHub issue key.
  • (Recommended) Use JIRA integration for linking issues and commits (just add JIRA issue key in the commit message).
  • When running via mage you can filter the suites run by specifying the E2E_TEST_SUITE_LABEL environment variable. For example: E2E_TEST_SUITE_LABEL=ec ./mage runE2ETests
  • klog level can be controled via KLOG_VERBOSITY environment variable. For example: KLOG_VERBOSITY=9 ./mage runE2ETests would output curl commands issued via Kubernetes client from sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime
// cmd/e2e_test.go
package common

import (
	// ensure these packages are scanned by ginkgo for e2e tests
	_ "github.com/redhat-appstudio/e2e-tests/tests/common"
	_ "github.com/redhat-appstudio/e2e-tests/tests/has"

Troubleshooting e2e-tests issues in openshift-ci

The whole process of investigating issues is defined in InvestigatingCIFailures.

Reporting issues

Please follow the process in Reporting and escalating CI Issue for reporting issues.

Debugging tests

In vscode

There is launch configuration in .vscode/launch.json called Launch demo suites. Running this configuration, you'll be asked for github token and then e2e-demos suite will run with default configuration. If you want to run/debug different suite, change -ginkgo.focus parameter in .vscode/launch.json.

Cleanup of redhat-appstudio-qe org

Our automated tests running in CI create lot of repositories in our redhat-appstudio-qe github org.

There is a mage target that can cleanup those repositories - mage local:cleanupGithubOrg.

For more infor & usage, please run mage -h local:cleanupGithubOrg.