Live Scraper is a service that receives a request for an Amazon ID, Scrapes Amazon's website for information based on that ID, and responds back with a JSON Representation of that Resource, or an error signifying that it failed to find any data on that Resource.
go get ./..
to directorygo build
- Make request to
At the current moment, the version of the website (eg: .com, .de) is set manually. It can be changed on line 32 of main.go
Initially, I wanted to simply use the
package to parse the HTML nodes found on the Amazon page. While this was possible to an extent without doing too much work, I found myself trying to figure out how to check CSS selectors for certain pieces of data, which ultimately would have lead me down the path of rewriting a lot of the work found in the goquery
package by PuerkitoBio on GitHub: goquery. It seemed like the most practical approach to solve this problem, and was fairly speedy.
Request comes in
Parse request
Make own request to
Get HTML reponse back from Amzon
Parse it
Get correct elements out. if missing/broken info, bail with an error message to the user
Make a struct
Marshall data
Return JSON to user
Talk to user (main.go)
Talk to amazon (parse.go)
handling HTML (parse.go)
prepping data for user (marshal.go/data.go)