
Ruby API for TwoCaptcha (Captcha Solver as a Service)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Developed by Infosimples.


TwoCaptcha is a Ruby API for 2Captcha - 2Captcha.com.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'two_captcha'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install two_captcha


  1. Create a client
# Create a client
client = TwoCaptcha.new('my_captcha_key')
  1. Solve a captcha

There are two methods available: decode and decode! * decode doesn't raise exceptions. * decode! may raise a TwoCaptcha::Error if something goes wrong.

If the solution is not available, an empty captcha object will be returned.

captcha = client.decode!(url: 'http://bit.ly/1xXZcKo')
captcha.text        # Solution of the captcha
captcha.id          # Numeric ID of the captcha solved by TwoCaptcha

You can also specify path, file, raw and raw64 when decoding an image.

client.decode(path: 'path/to/my/captcha/file')

client.decode(file: File.open('path/to/my/captcha/file', 'rb'))

client.decode(raw: File.open('path/to/my/captcha/file', 'rb').read)

client.decode(raw64: Base64.encode64(File.open('path/to/my/captcha/file', 'rb').read))

Internally, the gem will always convert the image to raw64 (binary base64 encoded).

You may also specify any POST parameters specified at https://2captcha.com/setting.

  1. Retrieve a previously solved captcha
captcha = client.captcha('130920620') # with 130920620 as the captcha id
  1. Report incorrectly solved captcha for refund
client.report!('130920620') # with 130920620 as the captcha id
# return true if successfully reported

Warning: do not abuse on this method, otherwise you may get banned

  1. Get your balance on 2Captcha
# return a Float balance in USD.
  1. Get usage statistics for a specific date
# return an XML string with your usage statistics.
  1. Get current 2Captcha load
# return an XML string with the current service load.

Clickable CAPTCHAs (e.g. "No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA")

There are two ways of solving captchas similar to reCAPTCHA v2.

(Prefered) Sending the googlekey and pageurl parameters

This method requires no browser emulation. You can send two parameters that identify the website in which the captcha is found.

Please read the oficial documentation for more information.

options = {
  googlekey: 'xyz',
  pageurl: 'http://example.com/example=1'

captcha.text        # Solution of the captcha
captcha.id          # Numeric ID of the captcha solved by TwoCaptcha

The solution (captcha.text) will be a code that validates the form, like the following:


Sending the challenge image

You can add the param coordinatescaptcha: 1 to your request.

Please read the oficial documentation at https://2captcha.com/en-api-recaptcha for more information.

client.decode(url: 'http://bit.ly/clickcaptcha', coordinatescaptcha: 1)

Captcha (screenshot)

the argument is passed as url, path, file, raw or raw64

Example of a captcha based on image clicks

The response will be an array containing coordinates where the captcha should be clicked. For the captcha above it should look something like:

# captcha.text

Audio reCAPTCHA v2

client.decode(url: 'http://bit.ly/audiorecaptchav2', recaptchavoice: 1)

The response will be a simple text:

# captcha.text



The API is thread-safe, which means it is perfectly fine to share a client instance between multiple threads.

Ruby dependencies

TwoCaptcha don't require specific dependencies. That saves you memory and avoid conflicts with other gems.

Input image format

Any format you use in the decode method (url, file, path, raw, raw64) will always be converted to a raw64, which is a binary base64 encoded string. So, if you already have this format available on your side, there's no need to do convertions before calling the API.

Our recomendation is to never convert your image format, unless needed. Let the gem convert internally. It may save you resources (CPU, memory and IO).


TwoCaptcha gem uses Semantic Versioning.

Tested Ruby versions

  • MRI 2.2.2
  • MRI 2.2.0
  • MRI 2.1.4
  • MRI 2.0.0


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/infosimples/two_captcha/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Run/add tests (RSpec)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request
  7. Yay. Thanks for contributing :)

All contributors: https://github.com/infosimples/two_captcha/graphs/contributors


MIT License. Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Infosimples. https://infosimples.com/