
teiboilerplate test installation



This is a test repository to see whether TEI Boilerplate and github could be use to view, edit and archive ones XML, all in the same place.

I'm currently floundering on the fact that github (and git in general) does not do mimetypes at all so while editing works fine, the XML is served to browsers as text/plain, the browser doesn't treat the XML as as XML and the processing instructions are never triggered.

In short the URL https://raw.github.com/stuartyeates/tei-boilerplate-test/master/example1/content/teibp.xml is served with the wrong mime-type.

For details of this shortcoming see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537575/can-git-store-the-mime-type-of-a-file-like-svn-does-for-browsing-html

TEI Boilerplate: http://dcl.slis.indiana.edu/teibp/