
Documentation and Issue Tracking for Stucco


stucco documentation


Please track issues for Stucco on the issues page in this repo.


Documentation is on the wiki.

Papers and Presentations

  • Conference Paper Submitted: C.R. Harshaw, R.A. Bridges, M.D. Iannacone, J.R. Goodall, "GraphPrints: Towards a Graph Analytic Method for Network Anomaly Detection" to CISRC 2016, Jan 28, 2016 paper (pdf)
  • Conference Paper Submitted: R.A. Bridges, K.T.M. Huffer, C.L.Jones, M.D. Iannacone, J.R. Goodall, "Cyber Entity Extraction--Evaluating Current Methods, Making the Most of What's Available", submitted to NAACL HTL 2016 on Jan. 6, 2016, paper (pdf)
  • Poster: C.R. Harshaw, R.A. Bridges, M.D. Iannacone, J.R. Goodall, "Graph-Prints: A Contextual, Model-Free, Multi-Scale Network Analysis Framework for Characterizing Network Flow Data" FloCon, 2016 poster (pdf)
  • Paper: C.L. Jones, R.A. Bridges, K.T. Huffer, J.R. Goodall "Towards a relation extraction framework for cyber-security objects," Cyber and Information Security Research Conference, 2015. Runner-up Best Short Paper Award, paper (pdf). Corresponding conference presentation of this publication presentation (ppt)
  • Paper: M.D. Iannacone, S. Bohn, G. Nakamura, J. Gerth, K.T. Huffer, R.A. Bridges, E.M. Ferragut, J.R. Goodall "Developing an Ontology for Cyber Security Knowledge Graphs," Cyber and Information Security Research Conference, 2015, paper (pdf).
  • Presentation: J. Gerth and J. R. Goodall. "Stucco - Situation and Threat Understanding by Correlating Contextual Observations". FloCon, 2014. abstract / presentation (pdf)
  • Presentation: R.A.Bridges "New Techniques for Entity Extraction of Cyber Security Concepts". CISML Seminar, March 28, 2014. presentation (ppt)
  • Presentation: R.A.Bridges "Stucco - Situation and Threat Understanding by Correlating Contextual Observations". ORNL short presentation to Mitre visitors, May 06, 2014. presentation (ppt)
  • Paper: R.A. Bridges, C. Jones, M. Iannacone, K.M. Testa, J.R. Goodall, "Automatic Labeling for Entity Extraction in Cyber Security", ASE Open Scientific Digital Library, May 28, 2014 Stanford, CA. paper (pdf). Correpsonding conference presentation of this publication: R.A.Bridges "New Techniques for Entity Extraction of Cyber Security Concepts". ASE Conference, May 28, 2014 Stanford, CA. presentation (ppt)
  • Poster: N. McNeil, R. A. Bridges, and J. R. Goodall. "Bootstrapping for Text Extraction in Cyber Security". Joint Math Meeting, 2014. poster (pdf)
  • Poster: C. L. Jones, R. A. Bridges, M. D. Iannacone, and J. R. Goodall. "Text Analysis for Timely Discovery of Cyber Security Concepts". Joint Math Meeting, 2014. poster (pdf)
  • Paper: R. A. Bridges, N. McNeil, M. D. Iannacone, B. Czejdo, N. Perez, and J. R. Goodall. "PACE: Pattern Accurate Computationally Efficient Bootstrapping for Timely Discovery of Cyber Security Concepts". International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) Special Session on Machine Learning Challenges in Cyber Security Applications, 2013. paper (pdf). Corresponding conference presentation presentation (ppt)