Spring Boot JWT Demo

1. Tech Stack

2. Prerequisites

You need the following pre-installed on your machine:

  • Your favourite Java IDE
  • Java 17
  • Container Management Tool like Rancher Desktop (open-source tool that runs Kubernetes and container management on your desktop)

3. Configure the DEMO (do it only once)

Checkout current project

git clone https://github.dxc.com/skirkov/spring-boot-security-jwt-demo.git

Create & Start the DB container (using docker-compose)

Use this command only the first time to create & start the DB container.

docker-compose up -d 

Connect to the DB (using some DB tool like DBeaver or DataGrip)


DataGrip Example: DataGrip_Example.png

Init DB (application-dev.properties)

Set in application-dev.properties:


After the initial run switch to:


Stop Services (DB)

docker-compose stop

Change application.properties (if needed)

You can see different settings there, that can be modified. application.properties

Change application-dev.properties (if needed)

You can see different settings there, that can be modified. application-dev.properties

Select "dev" Spring profile to run the example

IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ_IDEA_Profile_Selection.png

Generate YOUR OWN Public-Private Key Pair

1). You can use some free online tool like this one: https://app.id123.io/free-tools/key-generator/


2). Copy & Paste generated values to: /src/main/resources/keys

4. Start the DEMO

Start Services (DB)

docker-compose start

Run the Demo App (with your IDE)

Use your favorite IDE to run the app as Spring Application.

Use Swagger UI

Swagger UI provides documentation out of the box and allows you to access and call all exposed REST endpoints.


Use the provided Postman Collection

Load the following collection in Postman: postman-collection/spring-jwt-demo.postman_collection.json

5. Useful Commands & Links

Decode JWT

Go to https://jwt.io/


Kill process, listening on specific port

> netstat -ano | findstr :1521

> taskkill /PID <PID> /F